Nostalgia and Reminiscence

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Christmas was Ron and Hermione's turn to host and while their house was nowhere near the size of the Manor, it was still big enough for everyone who wanted to be there. 

Rose and Scorpius had stayed the night and so were up early on Christmas Day - Rose could already hear her mum moving around downstairs, crossing things off of her list, no doubt.

"So did they really like the textbook, then?" Scorpius asked just as they were about to make their way downstairs. They were enjoying the last few minutes of peace before Hermione gave them both things that needed doing; extending the table, re-organising the presents under the tree or preparing vegetables.

"Yeah, they honestly, truly did. You don't think giving your dad the publisher's letter as a present is silly, do you?" Rose asked, hesitant.

"Nah, he'll love it. Either way, he has to find out today and this is as good a method as any,"

They made their way downstairs and, sure enough, Hermione put them to work in the dining room, laying cutlery and plates out for the dinner later.

People started arriving just after noon and the house became cramped; there were people everywhere. Despite the temperature, Harry, Ginny and three of her brothers were stood outside bundled up in coats and scarves whilst huddled around one of Hermione's blue flames that sat in an old jam jar and produced a lot of heat.

Rose and Scorpius, too, were outside. They were sitting on the uprooted tree trunk in the woods behind the house. 

"Merry Christmas, Rosie," Scorpius said quietly.

"Merry Christmas, Scorp," she replied, "here you go, then," she chuckled.

She handed him a present wrapped in brown paper and tied up with red and white striped string. He opened it carefully and laughed when he saw what was inside. It was a red and gold quidditch jumper and, just as he suspected, when he turned it around, it said "WEASLEY 03" across the back.

"I found it a few months ago. I made it a few sizes bigger using an engorgement charm so it should fit you just fine," she said, smiling.

He lifted the jumper to his face. It was soft.

"Smells like your perfume," he stated, grinning at her.

"Of course. Mine smells like you so it's only right that yours smells like me,"

"Thank you," he said, leaning over and kissing her, "It's good that I got these then, isn't it?"

He stuck his hand underneath the tree trunk and removed a bouquet of snapdragons, which he handed to his wife. "And how about some of these?" he asked, swirling his wand in the air. He held out his hand and a  large white box appeared on his palm. He opened the lid and the smell of blueberries wafted out.

"Blueberry pancakes," she said, "you remembered,"

"How could I forget?" he asked as she pulled his face to hers and kissed him, "but I do have a serious present for you,"

He put his hand in his jacket pocket and removed a small black box. He passed it to Rose and she opened it. Inside, there sat a banded diamond ring with tiny emeralds.

Rose sighed happily. "Are you proposing to me, Scorp?"

He smiled. "I would marry you every day of my life if I could, but no," he said, taking the ring and sliding it onto her finger along with her engagement and wedding ring, "this is a promise from me that I will never ever almost get sent to prison again,"

"Good," she replied, kissing his cheek and resting her head on his shoulder, "now, come with me,"

"Where are we going?" Scorpius asked, leaving the jumper on the tree trunk along with the flowers and pancakes to be collected later.

"You'll see," she said, dragging him out of the woods and towards the street. She guided him down the pavement, stopped and looked around before taking a few steps more and facing him, "I'll give you a clue,"

"I know what you're doing," he said.

"No you don't,"

"Yes I do and it wasn't here, it was three steps that way - in line with that road marking," he said, holding her shoulders and taking three steps to the left.

"Are you sure? Because -"

"Rosie, I'm sure," he said, leaning down and kissing her deeply before breaking apart and saying, "do you honestly think I'd forget? I was this far down the road, having stormed out of your house in a cloud of jealousy and embarrassment, when you grabbed my hand and wheeled me around,"

"And it went something like this," she said, smiling against his lips, "still as good as the first one,"

*          *          *

They extended the table and, instead of sitting around it, laid out dishes and dishes of food as a buffet. After an hour, they sat around and exchanged presents. They formed their own little groups, each with their own families, and rotated every so often to talk to somebody else.

"Draco, this one is for you," Rose said, handing him an envelope with a green ribbon tied around it. She accepted a box from Astoria and waited a moment before opening it. 

Draco tore open the top of the envelope and Rose waited patiently while he read the letter inside.

"What is it?" Astoria asked and Rose resumed tearing open the wrapping paper on the box she had in her lap.

"It's - it's um a, wow," he chuckled, "it's an acceptance letter from a publisher. For my textbook," he looked over to his daughter-in-law, "thank you. Thank you so much,"

"It's the least I could do," she replied, glancing over at her husband and then down at the new ring on her finger.

The evening, like every Christmas, comprised of charades and board games and some, quite frankly, terrible dancing.

Rose found herself being given baby-grows, toys, blankets and a variety of other presents that revolved around her yet-to-be-born children.

"Well, it makes buying presents easier for them doesn't it?" Scorpius chuckled later that evening as he got changed. Rose was already in bed and, like always, felt a stab of sadness when she caught sight of her husband's scars. She waited until he was in bed and kissed one of the scars of his torso before resting her head on him. He muttered a spell, turning out the lights, and wrapped his arms around her.

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