Never Forget the Past, Otherwise How Can You Grow?

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**Oh my goodness me! We are on our THIRD wedding, everyone! Good gracious! Since this is obviously a lovey-dovey chapter (and I've been thinking a lot about it), at the bottom, as a treat for getting through our 45th chapter (yes, it really is that many and I have no idea where it will stop) I thought I'd let you know how three of our leading men, Harry, Ron and Draco, proposed to their other halves. This is obviously in my mind (and I've combined book and film), so if you don't agree and have another 'perfect proposal' I'd love to hear it in the comments! Enjoy!**

The day of James and Michael's wedding came sooner than many expected. The first of November saw the days get colder and the leaves fall from the trees. Autumn was very much transitioning into winter.

Rose and Scorpius had stayed at the Manor overnight in Scorpius' old room. It was early. Half past six. In a few hours, the Potters would be here to help set up the house for the wedding. Rose was awake. She looked around the room, comparing it to the mental image she had of it from when she was a teenager. She gave a small laugh as she remembered the time she, Albus and Scorpius had spent in here during holidays, planning their futures. She thought back to the times in which just her and Scorpius had spent in here, watching snow falling outside from under a thick blanket, the times they had talked for hours, the times she had cried on his shoulder about being called a know it all or the times he had cried on hers about being called a traitor. She always thought about what he and Albus talked about by themselves, if they talked about her, if they talked about girls, quidditch, home.

She looked over to her husband, to the father of her unborn children. He was still asleep, his hair messy and falling into his eyes, really needing a cut. Rose thought that she preferred it this way.

The top of his torso was exposed, the scars that riddled his chest visible against his pale skin. She couldn't help but laugh at the impression they must give people. Him pale and towering with his blonde hair and sharp facial features, her considerably shorter with wild unruly red curls and freckles everywhere.

She looked at his defined jawline and the cheekbones so sharp you could cut yourself on them. She couldn't help staring at him. She used to stare like that in lessons from across the room, looking at him when he was deep in thought or concentrating so hard he chewed on his lips.

It was then that he woke up, catching her, as well as him, by surprise.

"What're staring at me for?" He asked sleepily, pulling her into his arms.

"Cos you're pretty,"

"Hmm," he grunted, "think I'd prefer handsome,"

"Smoking hot," she suggested which made them both laugh lightly, "seriously though, some great genetics are going on there,"

"You know it," he replied before drifting back asleep.

"No, come on, we have to get up, it's James' wedding day," she said, shaking him awake and getting out of bed.

*         *         *

They made it downstairs by eight, just as the Potters were filing in from the cold.

"Have you two only just got up?" Albus asked as Scorpius and Rose made their way down the staircase.

Scorpius nodded. "Mum's had us up since five," Albus complained, "and I thought a night away from the toddler would give me a lie in,"

Albus blew a raspberry on his daughter's cheek who giggled into his shoulder.

"There you go, Rose, parenting practice," he said, placing his daughter in her arms, "I'm starving, Mrs Malfoy, mind if I rummage in the cupboards?"

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