The Whole Set

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Twelve years later.

The trolleys rattled loudly as the Malfoys made their way along the side of the Hogwarts Express. Their luggage was taken away and put in the train as Rose and Scorpius made their goodbyes to their children.

"Have fun, Izz. Don't get in too much trouble, yeah?"

"It's Tommy that starts it mum," she protested.

"Well, you should know better than to get involved," Rose replied, before smiling, "see you soon. I love you,"

"Love you too," she replied, hugging her mum, "bye dad," she said, turning to her dad and hugging him quickly before turning to get on the train.

"Izzy Bella," he said, catching his daughter's arm before she had the opportunity to disappear, "look after your sister, okay? Promise me."

"I promise I'll look after her. But right now, I need to grab a compartment. Send her in, she can sit with me and Gwen," she said, before reaching up on her tiptoes and throwing her arms around her dad, kissing him on the cheek, "love you, Dad. I'll see you at Christmas,"

Isobel had inherited her mother's height and heavily freckled facial features but her father's hair. It was blonde, and long, and currently had been dyed blue at the ends; something Scorpius was sure was influenced by a certain turquoise-haired uncle of hers. She was witty, outspoken and fiercely loyal, a true Slytherin, just like her dad.

"Tom, say goodbye to your brother, will you? Wouldn't hurt to show a little politeness, would it?" Rose said, slightly exasperated. Tommy jumped off the train, having just jumped on, and made his way back towards his mother. His hair was auburn, and slightly curly; it clashed horribly with his red tie, something Rose had also had problems with at school. He was the first Gryffindor Malfoy in generations, something he was particularly proud of. He already had a defined jawline, despite being only thirteen, and he seemed to grow a foot every other week, resulting in a fairly lanky young man.

"See you at Christmas little man. I'll get you something from Honeydukes," he said, excited that he would finally be able to go to Hogsmeade now he was in third year. He knelt down so he was the same height as the shy nine year old. He offered his arms and the little boy let go of his mother's legs and hugged Tommy fiercely, "bye Leo, bye mum," he said, standing up and giving Rose another brief hug before disappearing onto the train, no doubt trying to find Cordelia, or Dee as she was known, the girl he was smitten with (and the girl who would eventually wear the Malfoy ring on her finger).

"So this is it, then. You ready?" Rose asked, turning to her youngest daughter, Ellie. The girl nodded confidently, every inch her mother (in appearance and personality), "good luck. Izzie will make sure you're okay. Tommy might not even talk to you, you know what he's like," she laughed, "depends if Dee's around or not, eh?"

"Have fun El, we'll write to you. See you at Christmas," Scorpius said, hugging his daughter. Ellie hugged them all in turn and then got on the train, moments before the whistle blew.

"What house do you reckon she'll end up in?" Rose asked her husband as they watched the train start to pull away from the station.

"It's got to be Ravenclaw, hasn't it? She's much smarter than the two of us - and she's eleven," he laughed, taking Rose's hand in his - Leo was still holding onto her legs.

"Might be able to get the whole set," she joked, looking down at her son.

Ellie Ava Malfoy was sorted into Ravenclaw.

A few years later when her brother, Leopold William, began his first year at Hogwarts, he was put in the house of Hufflepuff. It provided a network of Malfoys across the entirety of the school (something the four siblings used to cause trouble). Consequently, the family always became a little tense around Quiddtich season but, as their parents put it, the family would always win one way or another.

Rose and Malfoy did, indeed, end up with the whole set.


**Thank you all SO MUCH for reading, commenting, voting for and loving Dance Lessons. I honestly am blown away by the support and love people have for this story, so thank you. Check out my other story 'The Magician and the Witch' (the Dance Lessons spin-off about Charlie and his interactions with the Potter gang and, of course, Lily. He has secrets, you know. Like the real reason he went to New Zealand and why he came back...)**

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