FTO OneShot Injury #4 {Final} - "The dragon's rage"

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Part 3 of "Protective Guild". Please enjoy!
Began: 25th March 2021
Time: 00:05 am

In this chapter I introduce the head canon of the dragon slayers having smol tails and smol horns that can grow on command and is effected by emotions.

Contains Swearing.
Platonic stuff - no shipping sadly (besides canon ships)
Blind Viper— (IM SORRRRYYY)
Injured Viper
My Viper is also a bit... not as cocky when he is blind besides when fighting. He hates being around other guilds or guild members when blind.
Angst. Possibly lots of angst.
Dragon Slayers are bonded as siblings.

(Mario's POV)
They still haven't told us anything. It's pissing me off... Not that.. I care for that... Grumpy snake man... But it's making the others anxious...

A loud, sudden smash of destruction echoed the room, originating from a broke table which had glass shards smashed on the floor and on the table itself. I glanced my head slightly to see who the fuck decided to break another table and to our surprise it was Seek. The kid had glass in his left hand as he sat in silence, hand still hovering where it impacted the wood. Colin moved over to him, starting to fuss over the fact that A) He broke a table. And B) He had glass in his hand.

I returned to comfortable position of my head snuggled into my arms on the table, back facing away from the chaos and eyes barely open, it was relaxing. Besides the noise those lot made. However, not even 10 minutes later Flurry had come down from above followed by Allumos who was smiling. Does that mean...?

"IS VI OKAY??" Blake quickly ask, running up to Allumos, her tail lowered and twisted around her leg.
Allumos patted her head and smiled, "Go find out for yourself" As like she already knew what he was going to say, Blake dashed past Allumos and up the stairs, followed by Bryan, Seek and Colin. Me and Davis also followed but not at that speed those three went at. I personally did not want to break anything. We reached Vi's room to only find that the three of them on the floor in a pile next to the bed, all getting back up and mumbling an apology to brother.
"Next time don't go fucking jumping onto the bed! You could have killed me you fucking idiots"
"Sorry brother..." The three imbeciles apologise in sync.
Viper noticed mine and Davis's auras' as we walked into the room and closer to the bed, he nods to our direction, "uhm.. Hello... Davis? Mario?" Confusion was leaking from Viper.
"Mhm.. How you feeling?" I replied, letting him know that it was us. The grump 'looked' away, head tilting slightly and returns to 'look' at us, "I don't know?"

"He had a fresh dose of drugs when he woke up so he might still be a bit loopy and oblivious to pain" Flurry answers for him, both her and Allumos walking in behind us and moved to a spare area to watch. "Although Viper, I do wish you tell us what happened..." The said dragon was sitting up, tho still had a bit of soreness on his back when ever he had pressure pushed onto it. He place a hand on his head and rubbed it, trying to think of what happened.
"I... I was walking on the path that was next to the cliff, I sensed there was something in the water so I had stepped closer to the edge to see if I could get a proper aura sense on what it was..."
The room was silent.
"I felt something push me in, hands? Horns? I don't remember... I do remember sensing a cat though..."
The whole room remained silent, however, flurry had left a few minutes after and returned with a wheelchair that had no back besides a neck rest to allow Viper's back to not be pushed against anything. The dragons were all silently raging, but Blake and Seek had helped Flurry move Viper into the wheelchair.
"If you need to break something, go break a table or chair" Flurry says, soon followed by the dragons leaving the room and returning to the main hall were other members of the guilds were waiting. They remained silent.
"Oh hey guys, how is-" Jericho started to converse, soon interrupted by the dragons smashing the tables or using the magic to damage the chairs or floor. Anything breakable was unsafe. This caused the group of around about 13 people to jump back and out the way of rubble.

It took 19 minutes before the air returned to a soft and normal tension. "Sorry about that!" Blake apologies, smiling. "We had to get that out"
"Lo'pho..." I called to the cat.
"Are you lying about the possibility of sea monsters?" I questioned, glaring at him. The said cat shook his head.
"And does anyone know where Biblico is at this moment?" Bryan 'sweetly' asked.
"N...no?" They all replied.
"I think it's time for a cat hunt?" Davis surprisingly rose from the back of the room. The dragons nodded, as well as some of the guild members who understood what happened.

{Time skip brought to you by Jakey and Kay with cookies! Also warning! Kay X Viper moment! (It's a canon ship) }

(3rd POV)

It has been a good couple of hours since the guilds had gone hunting, leaving Viper, Flurry, Kay, Jakey and Mania at GrimShade. Allumos had to go with the pack to make sure they don't kill Biblico, although everyone knew he wanted to kill the cat as well. Flurry, Jakey and Mania were talking about plans and business in the kitchen, allowing Viper to be looked after by Kay, whom had started to play with Viper's hair as he was beginning to fall asleep. The half sleepy dragon glanced in the direction of were his girlfriend sat, starting to bite his lip and looked away.
"What's wrong Viper?" The shapeshifter asked, glancing to her dragon.
"It's.... Its nothing Kay." The stubborn dragon replied, trying to not let Kay see his face.
She sighed and walked in front of Viper, carefully grabbing him and hugged him; weary of his back. This caused the idiot to hug back, a few tears escaping from within.
"I... I thought no one cared for me... Why go all this way.... to help.... someone like me?" He mumbled quietly, still very invested into the hug.
"We do care about you Vipy... Even if your a grumpy dragon, you still care about everyone so we care and love you in return" Kay responded to her boyfriend, whom had gotten comfy on Kay's shoulder. He half-tiredly nodded, a small smile appearing on his face before he fell into a slumber.
"Love you... Stubborn dragon..."

Kay watched him sleep, sighing. 'I hope he doesn't remember that when the medicine finishes...' She says to herself mentally, 'I don't want a grumpy dragon apologising for letting his emotions go... He works himself up too much...'

{Kay and the others put Viper to bed and a time skip brought by a sleeping Viper}

The hunt had gone well and Biblico was now tied up, being dragged along by Allumos. The cat had a few cuts and bruises along with a bloody nose and bruised eye. They returned back to the guild hall and threw the cat towards the middle of the hall room, Kay trying to tell them to be quiet with her finger. The others returned from the kitchen to see what the noise, relief filled their minds as the group entered.
"David, grab a group and drag the cat to the cells downstairs" Ritchie commanded, receiving a nod from the said ice mage and a few others.


It had been 1 and a half weeks and Viper was on the way to recovery, although he was still being fussed over by his siblings, guild mates and Kay. Everyone else returned to their lives, a few staying at GrimShade to watch over Biblico and to give him punishment for causing this mess {which was mostly things that Biblico didn't like but were not considered illegal} .


Finished: 9th June 2021
Time: 23:22pm
Edited: yes. X2
Re-Read before post?: Kinda. Will re-read when brain works.

Thank you for reading the injury one-shot story! I know it's only 4 chapters but at least it's something innit? Hope you enjoyed!

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