FTO Oneshot Injury #2 - "Protective Guild"

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Part 2 of "Protective Guild". Please enjoy!
Began: 16th December 2020
Time: 00:36 am

Sorry that this chapter one-shot is short. I had trouble coming up with what to write. I don't think this is one of my best works but oh well— Enjoy this rubbish.

Contains Swearing.
Platonic stuff - no shipping sadly (besides canon ships)
Blind Viper— (IM SORRRRYYY)
Injured Viper
My Viper is also a bit... not as cocky when he is blind besides when fighting. He hates being around other guilds or guild members when blind.
Angst. Possibly lots of angst.
Also, in this chapter I will introduce the head canon of the dragon slayers being bonded as brothers and sister (&Siblings/Niblings).


(Allumos's POV)
"Viper? Are you still with me?" I questioned the blue haired grump. Not a sound came from him. I reached my hand slightly to his shoulder, but as I did, my gut screamed at me. Something was wrong... Shit. Is he breathing? I quickly glanced at his chest, which rose up and down at a slow and at a slightly uneven pace. It was obvious that his body was having trouble to move, let alone breathe.

"Is he alright?" Marshie asked, seeing my internal panic. I looked to them and shook my head, giving them a worried look. "Oh god. We need to get... KAY! GET THE FIRST AID BOX!" The mage yelled, panic raising in their voice. This caused the others - whom had started to talk among themselves- to give their attention to us. Kay nodded and shifted into her adorable orange fox and dashed to the guild building, disappearing from view.

"What's wrong with him? Is he okay? Is he hurt?" My children had started to panic, giving me and Marshie eyes of worry and distress. Marshie sighed and waved to (even though they would hate having him close by Viper) David to come over, along with Flurry. The two looked confused but walked up to the Grimshade members, being careful to not provoke the dragon slayers. They went over to Marshie (who sat/kneeled behind Viper's body) and gasped - well... Flurry did.

"What the fuck? How the fuck did he get—?" David mutters, giving me and the others looks of confusion. "What the fuck caused him to have three big monster claw marks on his back? Im surprised he ain't dead from blood los— oh shit". My face stared blankly at the ice mage, which went unnoticed by the said other.

"What do you mean claw marks?" Colin asked, glancing at his dragon brother in worry, as did Mario and Bryan. Seek and Blake gave each other panicked expressions, Seek walking to Colin and Blake going over to Mario. The two started to talk to their dragon-bonded siblings (along with Jakey talking to Bryan) as the others started to break out in a panic.

"Dear god... Someone tell Kay to get here now! David, make some ice please" Flurry stated, half calmly but half worriedly. She had used her plant magic to make leaves into bandages as David began creating ice. The Carnival mom places some of the ice into the leaves and rubbed it into the leaf, chanting a spell quietly. She looked to Lo'pho and used her head to signal that she needed him. The kitty nodded, flying over to her and began chanting a healing spell. Even though their magic had slowly started to work, it didn't make a massive difference. Viper's body did however slowly started to regain an even breathing pattern and less blood was spilling. Not long after the two leaders had begun their chants, Kay had returned with Mania (whom had sprinted of to get Kay) and rushed past everyone to hand the first aid box to me. Nodding my head as a thanks to the two Protectors, I opened the box and moved towards my lo- I mean Marshie, taking out some equipment to use.

As the other two leaders slowly finished their chant, I began to open packs of gauzes, watching as Flurry places the enchanted leaf on Viper's injury and glancing to me to place the gauzes on. I did what she silently asked, Marshie starting to wrap Viper's unconscious body in bandages. He was stable... for now...

"Okay... We need to get him to one of our guild halls... I need to work on him still but he should be fine for a few hours." Flurry says, looking over at me, Marshie, Lo'pho and David.
"If it will help, I'll go grab some healing plants from my garden to make some food for him." David replies, earning a few shocked expressions from his guild members. Flurry nodded. "That would be grateful David... Thank you."

"May you assist us in travelling Viper here to GrimShade?" I asked the former leader, who in turn agreed and began walking over. "GrimShade... I want you to help clear this place up and then return to the guild when your done. Kay, You can come later if you want." I looked over at Viper's girl, who looked shocked but thankful, nodding to me. Everyone needing to go to GrimShade linked up arms, Flurry and Michael holding Viper carefully as me and Marshie linked up, holding onto Michael as well.

Finished: 12th January 2021
Time: 1:11 am
Edited: 1
Re-Read before post?: Yes.

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