FTO Oneshot Injury #1 - "Protective Guild"

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Hey Ya'll! First One-Shot of the book!
Began: 6th November 2020
Time: 2:04am GMT

Contains Swearing.
Platonic stuff - no shipping sadly.
Blind Viper— (IM SORRRRYYY)
Injured Viper
My Viper is also a bit... not as cocky when he is blind besides when fighting. He hates being around other guilds or guild members when blind.


(3rd Person)
The Guild leaders decided it was a 'Good day for a picnic' and thus, that was going to be conducted in the late evening, over at the Protector's Guild Hall. They said it would be a good time to relax before the Grand Magic Games and to catch up with each other. There was going to be a minimum of 10 Guild-Mates there.

A tall male whose hair was coloured dark blue, growled as he 'stared' out his window, although... Not a single thing caught his view or attention. The moody male just stared... Sat in a chair that was for his desk that sat by the same window. The atmosphere around this person could snap into anger at any moment, much like a thin twig close to snapping with a bang.

The male (besides having his dark blue hair) had normal coloured skin for the area, tho it was a bit more tanned/darker then others. Half of his right side of his face was black, scratch like marks around his eyes. He wore a purple jacket, the left sleeve going all the way down to his hand while the right sleeve was gone; which revealed black tattoo like patterns. He had dark blue trousers and black belts on his lower half and had some sort of purple grey cloth attached to his belts. Lastly, he wore black boots with straps on and had a white bandage wrapped around his eyes. Although he couldn't see, his hearing and smell was better than any normal human. He was a Dragon Slayer whom had the arts in poison.

It had been a while and footsteps could be heard from the outside halls, which alerted the Dragon though he remained in his seat. A few weird noises was heard and soon a cough.

"I assume you are not busy Viper?"

The blue haired Dragon boy (who is named 'Viper') turned, completely blind and some how managed to lock 'eyes' with the person.

"What Allumos.." Viper snapped at this so called 'Allumos'. Rage seeping out of his anxiety and anger filled body.

"I see someone is not in a good mood?" Allumos chuckles, soon sighing and waving his hand around carelessly. "We have to go now or the guild is going to be late because of you. Now do you want our guild's reputa-"

Viper hissed and whispered something to himself, his body getting off the seat and walking towards the Celestial Dragon.
"Let's fucking go..." Viper groaned, having to contain the urge to throw his guild leader at a wall for forcing him to come along. Viper walked past Allumos, walking aimlessly as the leader called out.

"Viper... Watch out for the—"
"Watch out for the wall...."

The poison dragon rubbed his head, having bumped into the wall that was only inches away from the magical door itself. He sat there, rubbing his head still, while cursing like a sailor.

"FUCK! Stupid fucking rooms, stupid fucking doors. Arghhhhhh" Viper was on the verge, if anything happens, he will lose his shit.

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