Quick Update!

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I've been meaning to continue this book but I won't be able to continue the old posting of a couple per month. I have my mocks and GCSEs to revise for the 7 months so hope you understand. I will post but it would probably only be 1/2 every 2 or 3 months since time is now a pain. Hope you can forgive me for doing this.
Hopefully once I do my finals and leave school, I can do a bit more before I go to Central Sixth.

For anyone who don't know the UK education system:
Mocks are test exams similar to GCSEs (High school qualifications before college/Sixth form). Once you complete these GCSEs, you can stay for another 2 years (Central Sixth / Year 12/13 ) to study A-Levels or go to college.

If you have stuck with me this far, thank you!

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