Future Fluff One-Shots

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Hmmmmmm..... I'm bored. I have writers block for my Sander Sides book and a side book that is in the works but I wanna write so imma write Fluff and angst One-Shot ideas!
- Mania and Mario Fluff?
- Kit X Marshie Fluff?
- Kit Angst?
- Mania Angst?
- Ship Fluff? (You recommend)
- Ship Angst? (You recommend)

Origins of Olympus!
- Inpu X Bryan Fluff?
- Mitch X Marshie Fluff?
- Solis Angst or Fluff?
- Magnus Angst or Fluff?
- Any Angst or Fluff? (You recommend)

- Animal AU/Hybrid AU Family Fluff? (FT)
- Family Angst? (FT or OoO?)
- High school au?
- Baby Au (Like... Characters turn into kids or toddlers or babies and their ship partner or friend has to look after them)

You can recommend anything! Although any school au has to be based of the British/England School system.

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