FTO One-shot Child AU #V.1 ~ "Past Personality"

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Part 1 / ?
Began: 27th June 2021
Time: 01:43 am

This will be inaccurate and not canon to the actual story line that Mitch had created for Viper. There is not a lot of information on Viper's past so this will be to what I think it was like. Also, since I am not used to Davis nor Bryan being in GrimShade, this will be set before they joined and before Ritchie dies. Thank you @Silvia-_-fish for suggesting this one-shot! Enjoy!

Ps: This is fanonically/canonically connected to my one-shots of injured Viper. I am considering making this into an au as I have a couple ideas for this Viper. And I will make it do Viper is still a dragon slayer as a child but hasn't been given the lacrima as of yet. I head canon that Viper learned dragon slayer magic at 4-5 years old (as his parents were always busy at work and didn't have time to watch him). Viper turns into a 7 year in the oneshot.

Contains Swearing.
Platonic stuff - no shipping sadly (besides canon ships)
Injuries. (Slightly)
Angst. (Possibly?)
Dragon Slayers are bonded as siblings.
Mention of violence briefly!
(Not to courage violence to anyone!)


(3rd Person)

The day started like normal, the city of Alantide slowly awaking from a quiet and peaceful slumber into a busy and chipper place. The sounds of banter echoed from the guild hall of GrimShade (Lampshade ;] ) as the guild members of  The Protectors and the members of GrimShade messed around outside the new main building (not the ruins). The four members from The Protectors currently there were Jakey, Bryan, Lo'pho and Kay; all of whom -except the cat- were chasing (or being chased) the members of GrimShade. Jakey and Kay were being chased by Jericho and Marshie who was chased by Bryan who was being chased by Colin and Seek. The huge line of childish members ran around the island, weaving and dodging the trees and other members of their guilds. Allumos and Michael had gained a seat on the flattened out blanket that was placed on the grass under a tree that shaded the sun from view. Lo'pho was also sat on the blanket but was keeping an eye on the young members. On the other hand, Viper was leaning against the tree itself, being the usual grump he was.

"How are they so full of energy during this heat?" The black haired former leader wondered, asking no one in particular.
The other two leaders shrugged, watching the group run around like a bunch of wild animals.

"It's annoying." The one and only grump huffs, earning a eye roll from Allumos.
"You find anything they do annoying" The star dragon replies, glancing at the blue haired dragon.
"Cause it is."
"Whatever you say"
"You're so annoying Al. I'm going inside. I can't stand it out here" Viper growls, shooting a look at Allumos before walking towards the building.

"Master? I would recommend not using your sight for a while." Viper's snake - Jasper - suggests, causing the said dragon to give a curious look to the snake.

"And why the fuck is that Jasper? You want me to get into another scene and have me fucking babied by the others again? Once was already fucking enough." He responded, a slight angered hiss in his voice.

"No no master! I thought you were going to sense your way to your room so I can rest. You've been staying up for the past nights for a couple of weeks using your vision" The snake says, cowering back slightly from his master.

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