FTO One-Shot Child AU #V.1~ "Past Personality" (2)

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Part 2 / ?
Began: 26th July 2021
Time: 22:39 pm

This will be inaccurate and not canon to the actual story line that Mitch had created for Viper. There is not a lot of information on Viper's past so this will be to what I think it was like. Also, since I am not used to Davis nor Bryan being in GrimShade, this will be set before they joined and before Ritchie dies. Thank you @Silvia-_-fish for suggesting this one-shot! Enjoy!

Ps: This is fanonically/canonically connected to my one-shots of injured Viper. Viper turns into a 7 year in the one-shot.

Contains Swearing.
Platonic stuff - no shipping sadly (besides canon ships)
Injuries. (Slightly)
Angst. (Possibly?)
Dragon Slayers are bonded as siblings.
Chronic pain
Mention of violence briefly!
(Not to courage violence to anyone!)

Key notes:
"——" = Normal Talking
'Italics' = Thoughts
("Italics") = Translate


(3rd Person)

Allumos quickly moved his way up the stairs, skillfully dodging anything that could make him trip or drop the child. The rest of the wizards and slayers remained on the main floor, the Dragons whispering to each other about the situation. No one bothered to interfere, too worried of the dragons snapping at them like over protective mothers. Allumos reached Viper's room, only just now wondering on where to get clothes for the small dragon, who had now started to fall asleep while playing with the leader's white hair; his small tongue sticking out innocently. The elder dug through Viper's drawer, tugging out a large black t-shirt that had an image of a purple and black snake.

"It's rather.... Cute for something owned by Viper..." Allumos softly muttered to himself, gently putting the child down into the bed and helped him put the t-shirt on, barely noticing the handful amount of  scars that littered around the child's body. The small Viper droopily lifted his arms up, wanting to be picked up again, to which Allumos did. Viper cuddles into the elder, cuddling the hair he was playing with before. The star dragon softly chuckled as he began to rock the child and walk out the door, back to the open area downstairs.

The rest were sitting in the kitchen/bar, some drinking while others chatting. Colin noticed the pair and ran up. "BABY BROT—" Colin proceeded to scream, his sentence interrupted as he fell forwards into the floor, his face hitting the wooden flooring. He had tried to take the child, and was dodged at the last second. Seek ran up to the dumb dragon and sat him up, Bryan coming from behind and slaps his head. "Idiot. He's sleeping" Bryan said in a hushed voice with anger in his words. Colin looked down and whined, "Sorrrrryyyy"
Bryan huffed at his sibling, turning to Allumos and held his arms out, silently asking to hold Viper. Allumos carefully gave the child to the fire dragon, pulling his hair out from the little one's grasp.

The small child mumbled softly, rearranging himself to get comfortable in Bryan's arms. He loosely grasped at the dragon's clothes, snuggling into the flame kid's chest. "Huh.. Who knew that energetic mess was good with kids?" Marshie quietly laughed, refilling some of the members drinks behind the bar. Bryan glanced at them, a small smirk in the corner of his lips. "I am good at this Marshie! I have siblings to look after" Bryan huffed, looking away playfully. "Yeaaahhh Sure. Some of which are older than you or are the same age" Kay giggled. Bryan smiles towards Kay, soon glancing at his brother. The little was humming in his sleep, a small smile on his face.

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