FTO OneShot Injury #3 - "The Worry"

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Part 3 of "Protective Guild". Please enjoy!
Began: March 2021 (I forgot the day lol)
Time: 12:30Am

Sorry that it has taken a long time! I will hopefully be making a planned schedule of chapters that will come out! So to repay, I will be posting Chapter 3 (which was done, I had just need to edit a few things and get Chapter 4 mostly done) & 4 for you! As well as maybe the #2 Chapter of the hibernation Oneshot. Enjoy!

Contains Swearing.
Platonic stuff - no shipping sadly (besides canon ships)
Blind Viper—     (IM SORRRRYYY)
Injured Viper
My Viper is also a bit... not as cocky when he is blind besides when fighting. He hates being around other guilds or guild members when blind.
Angst. Possibly lots of angst.
Dragon Slayers are bonded as siblings.
(Flurry's POV)
This is bad... This is bad... This is bad...
Thank the gods Allumos got to him before anything worse happened... I don't know if Viper would be alive...


We had gotten Viper back to Grimshade and into his room, laid out in his bed on his front. The dragon had begun to feel pain, creating a difficult situation for us. With Allumos's permission, Michael and Lo'pho put Viper under a sleep spell of some type to make it better... For both us and him.

"I'll go grab all the medical equipment that we have" Allumos says, rushing out of the room.
I had began another healing spell, placing my hands gentle on the sleeping slayer's back as a light green glow evolved around them. It began to clean up any vein injuries, muscle injuries (by moving the muscles slowly into place and using the magic to repair it) and to heal any bones, however, I had to make sure there was no organ injuries which wasn't my expertise.

"Lo'pho... Can you check for any internal injuries in the organs? I'm half way done with the muscles and bones" The cat nodded, beginning his part. Allumos returned, running into the room like a crazy mother. I mean.. that is what he is right?

(Time skip brought to you by a sleeping Viper)

(Allumos POV)
It's been days... A week maybe? He hasn't woke up... Flurry says it is because of the spell and drugs they have used... I hope it's just that... Kay, the children and Dragons all have been coming over - as well as some others from the other guilds... When was the last time I moved from his side? When did I become so attached to this Dragon? Kay is still here too... She hasn't left... Please... Viper... Wake up... We miss you... Even if your always stubborn and rude...

"A—-? A—-m-s? Al—mos! ALLUMOS!"
I leaped from the spot I laid at, which was somehow my bed? When did I get here? Did I fall asleep? How long has it been?
"Ally? You alright?" Marshie gave me a worried look when I turned to them. I think I look dazed because as soon as I had looked to them, they went to touch my forehead and sighed.
"Your not sick thankfully... Are you hungry? Let's get you downstairs. It's been a while."
"A while?"
"Yeah... you fell asleep yesterday so we put you to bed"



I sped out my room and towards Viper's lair (Viper's room) and entered, stopping.


(Viper's POV)
It's.... Dark... There's no light... I tried to move my body, a shockwave of pain making me return to the spot I previously was at.
A voice?
"Oh.. I forgot... Well its Flurry.. From the Carnival Guild. Don't try to move, your body is still healing." Flurry replies.

Flurry?... oh.. right...
My body jerked in pain as I hissed, which I guessed shocked Flurry as I heard her take a step back.
"Sorry Viper, I thought the drug was still in your system..."
"Yeah. We had to put some drugs into your body to help your body heal, one drug numbs the pain. Do you want some more?"
I slowly nod, anything to get rid of this fucking pain. Why the fuck am I even in pain? Don't question it Viper... Just find out where you are, how long you have been 'sleeping' and whatsoever else.

The pain from my body slowly disappeared, followed by a pair of hands helping me and guiding me to move to my back and allowing me to sit up, making sure my back doesn't touch anything and that it is not leaning against the bed or pillows.

Nothing is working. My nose feels blocked... My ears are just picking up barely anything from far away and my head is filled with blurred thoughts and just... a fucking headache. I don't even know where the fuck I am. Do I need to escape?
"Your at your guildhall in your bed Viper. Calm down" Flurry calmly says. I'm guessing my face showed my confusion...


It has been 2 hours or something... Flurry left and Kay came to visit. She had just left. My senses had slowly regained to what they were but they were still weak. The drugs honestly made me feel loopy at times. I don't fucking like it.
Sudden fast paced running patterns echoed from the hall, stopping at my door, a gasp soon following.


Finished: April 2021
Time: 0:12am
Edited: No
Re-Read before post?: Yes!

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