Your "blackness" rubs off on him

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Louis was currently at the doctor's and you had tagged along since you had nothing better to do. "Ok Louis, it looks like your blood pressure, weight, and height seem moderate and fine but you need your yearly shots for the flu, measles, tetanus-" The doctor told him. "Oh hell naw!" Louis blurted out loud. You and the doctor glanced at each other. "Huh?" The doctor questioned. "I mean, why do I have to have so many shots?" Louis asked, slightly blushing. "You skipped your last check up and you showed up late to the one before that and then left early before we could do them." The doctor explained. You stifled a laugh. "Whatever." Louis said, rolling his eyes.


You and Liam were in the VIP section of a club. You, the boys, their girlfriends, managers, and some other friends were celebrating the new breaking of the Vevo Record. You were sitting in Liam's lap as the boys were getting fucked up. "Hey babe you want a drink?" Liam whispered in your ear. "Sure." You said getting off him. You waved at Liam as he walked out of the VIP with a security guard. As you were waiting for your drink, a guy walked up to you with a drink. "Hello." He greeted. You looked up and smiled. He was cute but he wasn't as hot as Liam.

"Something I can do for you?" You asked. "I was wondering if you wanna get out of here and hang with me?" Before you could answer you heard, "Nigga who is you? You have no game. Fuck outta here!" Liam called the dude. "Eh man, she came on to me." The guy tried to defend himself. "Nigga, no one wants your ugly ass. Why you here? Who invited you in? I bet it wasn't one of my guards because they would have fucked you up! You let this scrawny nigga in here!" Liam yelled to the guards. "Liam." You said, touching his arm. "Alright babe. But this dude has to go." Liam snapped his fingers and 3 big security men picked the guy up and kicked him out. "Was all that necessary?" You questioned. Liam pulled you into his arms and made you look up at him. "Only for you." He kissed you on the cheek and sat you down with him.


You and Niall had just ordered a pizza for dinner since you both didn't want to make anything. While you two were waiting for the pizza, you went to go take a shower and change into what you were wearing to bed. After you were done you went back to the kitchen, since you had hear the pizza guy deliver the food. When you had gotten to the kitchen, you saw Niall dipping his piece of pizza in ranch. "What the fuck?" You questioned. Niall looked up and shrugged. "It tasty good." He said. "That's nasty." You told him. "To you. I saw your best friend do it the other day. So I wanted to try." Niall explained. "I still think it's gross." You stated. "You think everything is gross." Niall commented. "No I don't!" You said, defending yourself. "Eh let's not fight over the pizza. Let's eat the pizza." Niall said. You shocked your head and grabbed yourself a piece.


You were currently pulling into you and Harry's driveway for your shared house. You could hear the music from the inside from your car. "That nigga better not be throwing a stupid party for him and the other boys. I can't deal with them." You grumbled to yourself and you got your stuff your car. You walked to front door, unlocked it, then opened the door. The loud music pounded into your head. You put your work things in the living room and went to you and Harry's room, since it sounded like it was coming from there. As you got closer, you could hear what song was playing. "Is that-"

🎶 I'm a do it to ya, do it to ya

I'm a do it to ya, if you, if you let me

Girl, I'll do it to ya, I'll do it to ya

Girl, I'll do it to ya, do it to ya🎶

You opened the door to find Harry just sitting on the bed, bobbing his head left and right. "Harry?" You questioned. Harry noticed you and stopped the music. "Hi babe!" Harry greeted. "What are you lintending to?" You asked him, already knowing the song. "Do it to Ya. I love this song." He played it again as you rolled his eyes. You watch as Harry tried to rap with YG. "Stop. You can't rap. Just sing with the chorus." You told him. He pouted as you laughed at him.


You and Zayn were at a hair shop, you know, buying hair and products. As you were looking through the shampoo, Zayn called your name. "Y/N look!" You turned around to see him trying in big, fake nails. He put his hands on his face and made duck lips. You were laughing so hard. "Seriously Zayn take those off." "Nah I love them." Zayn said, admiring them. "You forget sleeping with me then. I know you would try to scratch my back to death in the middle of the night." "Boo, you hoe." Zayn murmured. "Love you too!" You called as you looked at hair. A few minutes went by and you heard Zayn called you again. "What?" You said not looking up from the packet of hair. "Look at me!" He yelled. You sighed, turned around to see Zayn with long hair. "Did you for real open a pack of hair?" You questioned. "I look hot!" Zayn cheered. "Come on." You said, grabbing his hand. You paid quickly for what you need and got the hell out. "Seriously Zayn? You know I can't go back there now." You said. "You'll find another hair store." Zayn said, trying to cheer you up. "I ain't going with you no anymore." You mumbled, walking to your car.

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