Promised Resort

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(If the titles don't make sense, they're cut down from the title of the Episode they're based on.)

Y/N is currently sitting and observing Beerus reclining in a (space) lawn chair next to a floating hourglass, apparently recently woken up.

Beerus: What was I just dreaming? I can almost remember, but then it slips away. 

Beerus turns his head towards the hourglass and begins to shout.

Beerus: Oh Whis! Whis are you done?

Y/N: He has roughly two minutes left. That Dinosaur meat, is it truly worth it to have come all this way?

Beerus: Well, we shall see, Y/N.

Meanwhile, a gigantic blue dinosaur trudges through a forest, scouring for something to eat. Hundreds of little green men watch from in the trees, apparently waiting for an opportunity. When they apparently see it, they pop out and all throw primal stone axes at it, which merely tap the lizard. The lizard immediately sets fire to the surrounding location, apparently destroying most of the blobs. Suddenly, from seemingly nowhere, a yellow man jumps at the dinosaur, which immediately knocks it back. It swings its own axe, killing the blue dinosaur and causing even more green men who were still hidden to cheer. As they begin carrying it and their yellow savior back to their home, Whis appears on the dinosaur.

Whis: I'm terribly sorry to interrupt your big moment, chief. But, you see, it's this dinosaur meat. Word is that it's most delicious. We've heard tales of it all across the 7th Universe. I'm sure it was a most difficult hunt, so I hate to take it from you. Nevertheless, I am taking it.

The Chief turns around and begins grunting at Whis.


Whis: Oh, not this time...


Whis: Ahem.

Whis and The Chief have an enlightening conversation on ethics and war crimes, and the dinosaur meat. The Dinosaur meat part doesn't seem to go anywhere.

Whis: Lord Beerus and Lord Y/N only gave me three minutes to Acquire the Dinosaur meat my own way. If you hand it over nicely, it'll give me something to brag about! And, you and your world will escape unharmed. Sounds like a win-win situation to me!

The Chief: Huh huh huh...

The Chief grows from a yellow man with four arms into a red minotaur with four arms and a horn.

Whis: Oh my, your kind can achieve a combat transformation! It seems my research was woefully incomplete. But I still have 40 seconds.

Beerus: Nope! Time's up!

Y/N: Cutting it down to the wire like this is torture. Even if you have time remaining.

Whis: Oh, pish-posh. I still don't understand why you two are so irritable the first few years after you wake up. You know, all the talk about this Dinosaur meat are just rumors, they may not be true.

Y/N: I agree with Whis, Beerus. We need to use our time to maintain the universe as well as try out delicacies. Wasting time like this accomplishes nothing.

Beerus: I'm well aware of that, but I still think it's worth a try, even if we're wasting time. If the stories are true, than it packs a flavor unrivaled in the cosmos. I'm hoping it gives my senses a jolt and helps me remember the figure from my dream.

Whis: A dream?

Y/N: We're dicking around on a planet over a dream?

Beerus: Not just a dream, but a premonition.

Whis: Forgive me, but your premonitions don't have much history of coming to fruition.

Y/N: After the Galactic Pop Star incident I think we should just toss these aside.

Beerus: You two are mocking me, aren't you.

The Chief: UAH!

The Chief jumps at Beerus, but is intercepted by Y/N, who begins to fight. The Chief throws several punches, all of which are blocked by one finger from Y/N, who's emotionless expression was beginning to phase into a smirk. After several more seconds of punches being blocked, The Chief throws an uppercut, which seeming phases right through Y/N, who suddenly disappears and reappears on the ground. He raises his right hand towards the beast, and crosses his thumb over his palm.

Y/N: Do not attempt to touch Lord Beerus, scum. Hakai.

Instantaneously, the red minotaur disappears from existence, turning into purple dust.

Whis and Beerus teleport next to Y/N.

Whis: Are you done?

Y/N: Indeed. It angers me when creatures lack proper respect for their divine overseers. Beerus, you said something about a premonition?

Beerus: Right, I'm this close to remembering, but I can't. And the feeling is so annoying! Like having something caught in your back teeth that you just can't quite fish out! You know what I mean, right? It's the worst!

Whis: So, my lord. What about the meat? Shall we try some?

Beerus: Ah, forget it. It doesn't look all that appetizing anymore. Y/N, erase this disrespectful planet at once.

Y/N: Right away my lord.

Y/N manifested a small shining orb, and dropped it onto the planet's surface. The planet immediately began to rumble, as spouts of lava begin shooting from cracks in the surface. Once again we find our divine trio floating in space as the planet explodes. In the light of the explosion, Beerus sees something.

By Technicality - Earthling Male Reader x Dragon Ball SuperWhere stories live. Discover now