A Heart Pounding Party

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On the cruise ship holding Bulma's birthday party, Vegeta punches a dent into the wall.

Vegeta: *Thinking* Kakarot beaten in one blow? What could do that? *Speaking* Damn it, pull yourself together. Prince Vegeta does not tremble from any foe! *Thinking* Y/N the destroyer, why is that name familiar? I'm sure I've heard it before, but when?

As Vegeta talks to himself, he hears a voice behind him.

Y/N: Well, if it isn't prince Vegeta.

Vegeta turns around, but sees nobody there. He looks around the are that he's in, but sees nobody.

Vegeta: I'm losing my mind.

Behind him, Y/N and Whis have manifested.

Y/N: Hello.

Vegeta immediately jumps back, startled.

Vegeta: Who are you?

Y/N: Why should I tell you that when you're about to die?

Vegeta: Why you!

Vegeta attempts to charge at the Duo, but stumbles and falls.

Vegeta: *Thinking* I-i recognise that face! He was with Beerus the destroyer when he forced my father to his knees! It's no surprise that he bested Kakarot in one blow!

Y/N: I assume Beerus spared your life so that you'd be entertaining one day. Oh well, another disappointment to add to the pile.

Y/N walks up to Vegeta and kneels down.

Y/N: Now why don't you prove him wrong and tell me about the Super Saiyan God?

Vegeta: A Super Saiyan God?

Y/N: It seems being pathetic disappointments are you Saiyans' specialty.

Vegeta: Wait, let me think!

Before he could start talking, Bulma walked out behind the group. She looked left and immediately noticed the scene.

Bulma: Vegeta, please tell me you aren't training right now.

When Vegeta struggles to stand up, Bulma looks worried.

Bulma: Are you okay?

Vegeta: Stay back! Leave, now!

Y/N: That's no way to address a lady, Prince Vegeta. He's fine, my lady. He's merely had too much punch.

Bulma: Who are you guys?

Whis: My apologies, we should have told you. My name is Whis, and this man here is Lord Y/N.

Y/N: We were passing by when we decided to stop by and visit Vegeta over there.

Bulma: Oh, you're from space? I guess I should have pieced that one together. Well that surprises me, I didn't think Vegeta made friends.

Bulma began to walk over to the Divine Duo.

Vegeta: No, stop!

Bulma: I'm Bulma, Vegeta's wife, believe it or not.

Y/N: It's an honor and a pleasure to meet you.

Bulma: It's my birthday, so we're throwing a party. It's a rather large party, seeing as we rented a ship. You're welcome to join if you'd like.

Y/N: My, how generous! There were some rather interesting smells, I'm sure Lord Beerus would like us to save a souvenir for him.

Bulma: Well, in that case let's go!

As Bulma led the two to the party, Vegeta looked even more panicked than before.

By Technicality - Earthling Male Reader x Dragon Ball SuperWhere stories live. Discover now