Battle of the Gods

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The three Gods had descended to the level of the clouds, and the clouds had begun to fly in between them.

Y/N: We're ready when you are, Super Saiyan God.

Goku: All right! Let's try this out!

Goku charges at Y/N and slips behind him. Y/N turns around to block, and Goku afterimages and punches him in the gut. Y/N yells in surprise but quickly recovers, throwing a punch to intercept Goku's incoming punch. The collision creating about the fifth blinding light of that day, causing a dome of clouds to form around them somehow. Beerus joins in on the fighting, with the two Gods trading punches with Goku. Goku eventually lands pummels on both of them, ending with a strong uppercut on Beerus and kicking Y/N away into the clouds. The clouds roll back and reveal Y/N unscathed.

Goku: That attack didn't faze you at all, huh?

Beerus appears next to Y/N.

Beerus: Good grief, Saiyan! Do we seriously have to provoke you more?

Y/N and Beerus charge at Goku, and land several strong punches on him, ending with Beerus sledgehammering him towards the ground. The sound of the impact never happens, however, and Goku flies back up immeditely.

Goku: I don't think there's a power up that exists that could make you guys' attacks not hurt!

Beerus and Y/N say nothing as they both lift a hand into the air and make another big Ki blast.

Goku: Woah, that's a lot bigger than the last one!

Y/N: I suppose we're just that generous.

They launch the ball at Goku, who attempts to throw it like the last one, but can't.

Y/N: Think carefully! This orb is far too heavy to just throw away!

Goku's energy spikes up as he begins to crush the ball in his arms. After a period of about 20 seconds, with a lot of screaming, he condensed the ball into a small sphere, which promptly exploded. Goku shrugged the blow off surprisingly quickly, and quickly dashed forward at Y/N, before being blocked by Beerus. They entered a standoff, with neither person gaining any ground. Goku, seeing an opening, promptly kicked Beerus in the face. The fight begins moving faster than the eye can see. We see snippets of Goku biting Beerus's tail, Y/N and Beerus squishing Goku's face, Goku screaming as loud as he can into Beerus's large ears, and Beerus grabbing Goku's nose. Finally, the gods stop moving, with Goku very obviously tired.

Goku: I should have known this wasn't for real. I mean neither of you are fighting with your full power, are you?

Y/N: What gave it away?

Beerus: Yeah, sorry about that. We just figured a gung-ho competitor like you needed some help pacing yourself so you didn't exhaust yourself too early.

Goku: Well don't worry, I'm not mad at either of ya. I bet when the only person as strong as you is basically another you, there's hardly anybody who stands a chance against you at your maximum power, which means you never get a chance to have a decent fight. And that's why you- huh?

Beerus and Y/N had appeared behind Goku.

Y/N: Don't try to understand us.

Beerus: You have no idea.

Beerus planted his hand into Goku's back, causing him to glow yellow and yell out in pain. He flies a short distance and explodes, falling right onto Y/N's hand, and glowing bright yellow again. The process repeats several times. When suddenly, Beerus and Y/N plant their hands on Goku's face, and begin plummeting at an alarming rate.

Beerus: Come on! Show us something worthy of a god!

Goku plants his hands on the arms of the destroyers, but can't lift either of their hands of his face. They smash into a small island. When they hit the island, dust kicks up and Goku is sent flying away. The two still standing gods immediately straighten out and walk towards Goku.

Y/N: You're lucky I pushed you away Super Saiyan God. Otherwise you'd be nothing but a pile of ashes.

Beerus kicks Goku onto his back.

Beerus: What a bore. I'm half asleep now.

Beerus throws a punch with his left hand that Goku blocks. Beerus throws punches at Goku and begins shouting.

Beerus: You bore me. You bore me! You were supposed to be different, supposed to be worthy! But you put me to sleep like everybody else! Is a little bit of excitement too much to ask for?!

Goku: Will this wake you up?

Goku headbutts Beerus and uppercuts him away.

Beerus: Congratulations on the cheap shot. But this level of power you're showing us. Well, how should I put it? It doesn't have any affect on us at all!

Beerus dashes forward and throws Goku into the air, and Y/N jumps into the air. Y/N headbutts Goku's back, and Beerus flies up and Headbutts it as well. The two gods juggle Goku on their heads for some time until they break through the atmosphere, and Goku floats in the vacuum of space. Y/N yawns.

Y/N: Yoo-hoo, Saiyan God!

Beerus: How long are you planning to nap? We'd like to get on with it if you don't mind. Honestly, I'd hate for destruction to serve some kind of a purpose, it removes some of the purity.

Y/N and Beerus put their hands together and make a small ball of Hakai. They begin to mess around with it, bouncing it around and juggling it. Eventually Y/N catches it.

Y/N: But if it's the only way for you to unlock your full power then we have no choice.

Goku: No, you wouldn't! Wait, don't do it Y/N!

Y/N: You have yourself to blame.

Goku: Are billions of lives just disposable toys for you to play with?!

Beerus: But of course they are, Goku. We're Deities. What's more important, some old backwater world, or a battle of gods? It's not even a question.

Y/N: There's no deflecting or crushing this one. So you better take this seriously.

Y/N kicks the ball towards the earth, and Goku blows it away with a Kamehameha immediately.

Goku: That was simple enough, I just had to blow it away.

Y/N: Interesting idea.

Beerus: Let's scale it up, shall we?

Y/N and Beerus hold their hands out and create several balls of Hakai at once.

Beerus: Well? Motivated yet?

Goku: You want to see the real power of a Super Saiyan God? Then that's what you'll get.

Y/N: Here they come!

Y/N and Beerus each kick a ball, and all the balls start flying towards Goku. Goku responds by putting his hands in front of him, bringing them back, and then firing a spread shot Kamehameha, which takes out all of the balls at once. As that happens, Y/N and Beerus appear in front of him, and stab their hands through his chest.

Beerus: My mistake. You're clearly not the rival I was looking for.

Goku falls back down to earth, and splashes down in the ocean. After a short amount of time, Goku jumps out of the water, and flies back up, leaving a red trail behind him. He arrives back in space, where both gods had been waiting.

Goku: Let's keep going. If you're both still game. Looks like this Super Saiyan God power's not finished yet. It's going to keep on lifting me higher until I can match both of you, fist for fist.

Y/N: Doubtful, but I love that look. So we're going to honor your progress by showing you more than just tastes of our power. You'll get a full course.

(Props if you get the reference.)

By Technicality - Earthling Male Reader x Dragon Ball SuperWhere stories live. Discover now