Super Saiyan God is Born

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The tension is palpable as the Earth's Dragon Balls are set on the ground.

Y/N: Those look like wish orbs.

Whis: Earth's guardian does seem to be a Namekian.

Beerus: Am I imagining it, or did wish orbs use to be a bit bigger? I could be wrong.

Whis: No, you're correct, My Lord. The earth's wish orbs seem to be on the smaller side.

Goku: Eternal Shenron! By your name I summon you forth!

The Dragon Balls began to glow as the sky begins to darken. They send a beam into the air, which coalesces into a long green dragon.

Shenron: I am Shenron. I shall grant you any wish. Now speak.

Goku: Have you heard of this thing called a Super Saiyan God? If you have can you please bring him here?

Shenron: I am aware of the god you describe.

Goku: Awesome! Now we don't have to be destroyed by Lord Y/N and Lord Beerus!

Shenron: Wait- what?! Did you say Lord Y/N and Lord Beerus?!

Y/N and Beerus: Hey.

Shenron: H-hi Lords... Nice to meet you. Big fan. Please forgive me from looking down on you from up here, It's just my height. I don't think I'm better than you. In fact, I know I'm not better than you I-

Beerus: Just shut up. Hurry it up and summon a Super Saiyan God for me. I'm getting rather bored.

Shenron: Well, that's the issue... I can't exactly summon one right now, It's a whole thing.

Y/N: What was that?

Shenron: Uh, yes, Lord Beerus. The problem is, and I humbly regret to inform you of this, but although the Super Saiyan God is spoken about in Saiyan Mythology there exists no such being today. However, if you would like to know the method for creating one, It would be my greatest honor to tell you.

Y/N: Go on.

Shenron: The process is in the written legends of Namek, five Saiyans with righteous hearts must Join hands and instill their inner light into another. That's about all. Now it truly was a thrill seeing you, I bid you farewell.

Shenron then dissipated as the Dragon Balls scattered themselves across the world again.

Beerus: Well, let's go. Get on with it everybody.

Goku: Did anybody follow all of that? I got really confused halfway through that.

Gohan: Shenron said that five Saiyans have to hold hands and channel their energies into another Saiyan, who will supposedly turn into a deity.

Goku: And that's a Super Saiyan God?

Gohan: Yes, I think so.

Piccolo: We're screwed. He specifically said Saiyans with righteous hearts. Even if you include the half earthlings we only have four.

Roshi: I think you may have miscounted, Vegeta's really cleaned up his act.

Piccolo: Yeah, right.

Chichi: You're just being prejudiced! He's a great man and a great father!

Goku: Don't make that face, Vegeta! Let's give it a shot!

Gohan, Goten, Trunks and Vegeta hold hands and put their hands on Goku's back.

Vegeta: Why does Kakarot always get to play the hero?

Goku: No need to get all worked up about it! If this pans out we'll let you do it next time!

Vegeta: Wait, are you serious?

As all four of the energy providing Saiyans go into their Super Saiyan forms, something ignites in Goku, creating a blinding light and sending massive shockwaves through the boat, while Goku himself goes Super Saiyan.

Vegeta: Well, Kakarot? Do you feel any different?

Goku: I'm feeling something that's for sure. But I don't know if I feel like a Deity though. How would that even feel?

Gohan: Dad, your energy is higher than it's ever been! I don't think I've felt anything like it!

Goku: Yeah, it's strong, I won't deny that.

Vegeta: Good. Now I definitely get to try it out next.

Goku's energy flares up even higher, sending flashes of light throughout the boat.

Y/N: Oh, you're doing it wrong.

Goku: What?

Whis: Were we the only people listening to Shenron? If it takes five Saiyans to give their light to another, then that means you need Five-plus-one Saiyans. Or Six if I'm not mistaken.

Goku: Huh?! We need six? Aah! Oh no, that's one more than we have here! Right? Lord Y/N, you don't happen to be a Saiyan do you?

Y/N: No, I am not. However, I do have a form that could give the extra energy required to get you to Super Saiyan God. Would you like to try it?

Goku: If that's what it takes, then let's give it a shot!

Goten and Trunks open a gap in the back, and Y/N steps in. His hair starts to rise up, before turning a bright red. As the Saiyans begin to glow yellow, Y/N's hair begins to glow orange, while all Six people are coated in a yellow aura. Divine energy begins to rise from the circle as it seeps into the clouds, blocking out the sky with a yellow screen, the waters around the boat swirling.

Y/N: Goku, are you well? Divine energy can be a lot to take at once.

Goku: I'm okay. I can feel something, don't stop. My body is beginning to ache.

Vegeta: You know, you're about to become a god, maybe you should stop whining. Though, I'd be more than happy to take your place.

Suddenly, a Blue aura begins to form around all Six people and towards Goku. There's a bright blue flash, which grows larger and takes over the entire boat. Suddenly, the yellow clouds in the air create a dome around the boat, as it starts to storm, stops storming, turns to night, day, dusk. The earth completing a spin at an alarming rate. It snows for a half second, before a bright light shines in on the boat. The five energy givers begin to shake, and Goku follows suit.

Vegeta: It's working!

Goku is encased in a bright Yellow light, which turns red. The shaking stops, and Y/N's hair goes back to red, and the Saiyans go back to their natural colors. Goku floats in midair, encased in this red aura. Goku floats even higher, as his Aura spreads out, leaving his silhouette barely visible. His aura then turns a bright white, and begins to dissipate from the feet up. His hair is the same shade of red as Y/N, with his eyes the same shade as well, and his is in the same style as his base form rather than his Super Saiyan form.

Beerus descends down and begins to clap.

Beerus: Well well, it seems this was worth the wait.

Whis: It is interesting that this bears a striking resemblance to Divine Potential.

Y/N: It seems when generating Divine energy, the ritual accepts both Saiyans and Gods. Interesting.

Goku: Sorry I kept you waiting for so long Lord Beerus.

Y/N: This is going to be good.

By Technicality - Earthling Male Reader x Dragon Ball SuperWhere stories live. Discover now