Power of a Super Saiyan God

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Goku: So this is what it's like to be a Super Saiyan God, huh? I gotta say, it feels pretty awesome! Lord Beerus, I get why you wanted to find him now. This is nuts!

Y/N: Yes, that's right.

Beerus: I'm glad you find it thrilling. Obviously, I am excited too. Well, let's be begin. Shall we?

Goku: Yeah.

As Goku and Beerus begin floating up, questions arise from the others.

Bulma: Do you think he's got enough power?

Piccolo: We'll find out soon.

Krillin: Besides the glowing, he looks like he's in his regular Saiyan form.

Bulma: I thought he'd bulk up like a Super Saiyan, but he looks leaner now than even when he's not transformed.

Gohan: I wonder if that God ceremony worked correctly. It called for 6 Saiyans, not 5 Saiyans and a God.

Y/N: Well, let me ask you a simple question. Can you sense his energy?

Gohan closed his eyes and focused.

Gohan: No, I can't.

Whis: That is exactly how it should be.

Y/N: It's how Divine Energy works. Mortals like you cannot sense a god's power. Not to mention comprehend it.

Gohan: Wait, does that mean my dad...

Whis: Yes. Goku is a Super Saiyan God in the literal sense.

Y/N: Whether this puts him on Lord Beerus's level is yet to be seen. Nevertheless, he has joined the Divine ranks.

Y/N jumps up into the air, and flies up to the level that Beerus and Goku have decided on.

Beerus: Let's see if this new form has made you worth fighting.

Goku dashes at Beerus, who dodges, and continues flying farther past him.

Goku: Hang on! Still kinda getting used to this God thing! Woah! It's like I can barely control my own body now!

Y/N: And does this surprise you?

Goku: Yeah! I had no idea what to expect, but this is totally awesome! I've never felt anything like it!

Beerus: Save some of that enthusiasm. This is only the beginning.

Y/N: We're hoping you've only scratched the surface of your power.

Goku: Then why don't I start testing it out with a little Kamehameha?

Goku puts his hands out in front of him and begins gathering Ki. The gathered Ki begins exuding lightning as the orb in his hands slowly grows larger and larger. As soon as he's gathered enough Ki, he pushes the orb forward and looses a massive energy ball. It misses both of the Gods and crashes into the ocean floor and causing a tidal wave so big it cleaves the ocean in half. The ocean soon rights itself as the waves die down.

Y/N: Quite an impressive display.

Goku: Being a Super Saiyan God is amazing!

Piccolo: Goku! Try not to turn us into collateral damage!

Goku: Sorry! I guess I got carried away!

Beerus: It seems you're starting to become aware of the impressive scale of your new powers.

Goku: Yeah, I think I'm getting there. Fight me, Lord Beerus and Lord Y/N. If I win, you leave the earth alone and go back to where you're from.

Beerus and Y/N: Very well. However, you should know that there is no being in this universe that can best both of us.

By Technicality - Earthling Male Reader x Dragon Ball SuperWhere stories live. Discover now