17: sleeping with the lights on

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authors note: i'm so terribly sorry for not updating or editing this for you guys. i've been very stressed and didn't have enough time to make new chapters, and I just didn't have ideas. I think I finally came up with an ending to this, so I might start leaving little hints in the chapters for you guys to maybe figure it out. again, very sorry for not updating. i'm back :)

sunghoon pov

I pulled into the driveway, PRAYING that nobody was still awake. luckily all the lights were off. that was a good sign.

sunni had drifted off on the car ride home, so I tapped her back into reality. she was a little woozy so I helped her into the house. I walked her up the carpeted stairs to my bedroom and motioned towards my bed, in an attempt to let her know she could go to sleep. she laid down.

I closed the door behind me and went to go get everything from the car, lock up the house, and put gaeul in her cage. when I opened the door to my room, I noticed the lights had been turned on, and sunni had gone back in bed.

"SUNNI!" I said in an aggressive whisper, "if the lights are on, someone's gonna know you're here. the whole point was to avoid my parents finding out you're home"

she sat up in bed and looked at me saying, "well, I put them pretty dim. isn't that alright?"

I responded "it's not ideal but- if it helps you fall asleep I mean I guess it's fine"

"thanks, I appreciate it" she said, pulling the covers back over her head and going back to sleep.

I am the one hosting you, you're using my bed, and this is the disrespect I get? I thought to myself jokingly. how rude.

I went to get my gaming chair and a blanket to go to sleep in, when I heard a voice from outside.

"sunghoon?" my sister, yeji, said

shit. I threw a blanket on top of sunni and went to see yeji.

"heyyy yeji!" I said, laughing nervously, "w-what's up"

"well, I heard you come home and that woke me up, but now you're talking to your wall about sleeping with the lights on. are you sick?" she asked

"silly yeji. you must've been dreaming" I said, turning off the lights in my room. "now go back to bed. you need your rest"

"I guess you're right. goodnight sunghoon!" she said, going back to bed.

I closed the door to my room, put my back to it, and sank down to the ground sighing. "sunni, that was a close one. can I please keep the lights off?" she was unresponsive. I went to go take back the blanket I threw on top of her. she was asleep.

I walked back over to my gaming chair and reclined it, pulling my blanket over me so I could sleep. this was nothing new. I fell asleep in my chair more than I fell asleep in my actual bed.

after that, it was a blur. I fell asleep.

sunni pov

I don't exactly remember much. all I know is that I went to get sushi, ran in the rain with sunghoon, fell asleep like 4 times on the way home, and was NOT in my bed.

I looked around at my surroundings. posters, blankets, some laundry, plants, all generic bedroom decor. it was surprisingly organized. as I looked around the room and noticed a gaming chair with a blanket... no- a person... no a- stuffed animal?

then it hit me: I went back to sunghoon's house.

I went to sunghoons house. riiight.... I WENT TO SUNGHOONS HOUSE. I WASNT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE.

shit. my parents probably think i'm dead.

I grabbed my phone, which was at like 7%, and texted them to let them know I was alive.

"hey mom, hey dad. sorry for not texting, my phone died. I went to jieun's place after dinner. I'm very much alive"

I clicked my phone off and plugged it into the charger in the wall. I didn't bother to check what time it was. it had to have been pretty early. the sun had risen completely, but there was still dew on the grass, and the morning breeze was drifting through the window. it was like a momentary heaven.

I sat up in bed and admired life. something we only get to experience once. for once, my life seemed pretty good. I was happy, I had a boyfriend, and I was sitting in the morning breeze. that's a lot for a girl to ask for nowadays.

somewhere in that train of thought I zoned out, possibly even fell asleep again. I snapped back into reality with the smell of coffee. I looked around. what I saw? sunghoon sitting in his gaming chair, wrapped in his blanket like a burrito, drinking coffee, looking out the window.

he noticed me and whispered, "well look who's awake"

"actually, I was up quite a bit before you. you just happened to be asleep". I said back.

he walked over to the bed and shushed me. "we have to be quiet remember? my parents haven't left for work yet and yeji's still home"

"right, right. sorry" I said whispering, "my bad"

"it's fine. can I get you anything to eat or drink?" he asked

"i'm actually a bit thirsty. do you have any more coffee?" I asked.

"I can go get you some. I finished the last of mine so I'll have to make you more. I'll be back in a bit" he said, getting up and walking downstairs.

I knew coffee could take a while, so I started to scroll through my phone, which now had some charge. I made sure to text back to jieun and the rest of my friends so they knew I was alive. I didn't give them any of the info they were looking for though.

for the next five minutes or so I just looked at photos and scrolled through social media, staying quiet so as not to wake or bother yeji or his parents.

I looked up from my phone when I heard a noise come from the doorway, which had been left open a crack. thinking it was sunghoon, I got up to go to the door.

what I saw when I opened the door was, in fact, not sunghoon. what I saw in sunghoon's place?

the two beady brown eyes of park yeji.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 // park sunghoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now