Chapter 5

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It took seconds for the group to split. Shiro and Keith headed forward and to the left. Pidge and Hunk ducked to their right and then into a room off to the side. Lance took Nova's arm and dragged her backwards down the hallway and into a supply closet. The door was shut with seconds to spare.

Just as the group of Galra passed, Just as she became acutely aware of Lance's body pressed against her's, Just as the sound of their breathing intertwined and filled the small cramped space. Then the voices faded and Lance was pulling away and for the door. The warmth that had surrounded her, the smell of the ocean she wanted it back. She didn't want the cold and the smell of death wrapping it's claws around her like it did her entire childhood. She wanted the warmth and sunlight provided whenever he was near, but her secret.....It was something she could never give up even for a chance at a happy life.

"Nova." Lance whispered. He motioned her closer. He glanced down the hallway once more making sure it was clear. "When I tell you I want you to run and find the others. I'm going to follow behind the Galra's that just passed, there may be something useful there."

NO! She wanted to scream. She couldn't be wandering around this ship by herself. Someone was bound to recognize her and then her chance for anything would be ruined. Her old master would be furious with her, so much so she may find it reasonable to end Nova's life. She started to shake her head.

"I'm not leaving you. Now's the time to stick together! Not split up!" She grabbed his arm. "We can follow them together and then when we get what we need we find the others."

"There's not a point in doing that. Especially when we need to make sure that the others are alright." He placed a kiss on her helmet, it would've been against her forehead had it not been blocked.

"Ok." Was all she said as she rose to her feet and disappeared back down the hallway from the direction they came.

She couldn't find them. Wherever they had gone it was deeper into the ship then she could bring herself to go. Many things happened, things she would rather not repeat. She suddenly wished she had insisted on going with Lance harder. It was too late for that now.

She rounded a corner. Her weapon was holstered having not come upon anyone for a while it got tiresome jumping at every corner. The length of hallway she was walking currently was empty, not a single soul in sight.

She blinked.

Then suddenly there was someone standing at the end of the hallway. A hood pulled over their features kept Nova from recognizing them. She went for her weapon.

"I wouldn't do that." Said a voice followed by a thud. She turned to find Lance thrown to the ground. He looked up at her with blood coating an entire side of his face. Her heart clenched in her chest as she kept herself from running to him.

The voice who had spoken aimed a blaster at the back of his head. "Sneaky bastard thought he could follow us without getting caught." The Galra kept their eyes on Lance for a moment or two before flicking up to look at Nova, "I'm assuming you thought you could find the others?"

Nova swallowed. She knew she recognized the voice, the eyes only confirmed what she already knew. Standing in front of her with her boyfriend's life in her hands was Nova's old master, the one she had run from so many years ago

"Let me guess. He doesn't know anything." She asked kneeling to press her blaster to the back of Lance's head. "You always did like your secrets."

"What is she talking about Nova?" Lance asked. He pushed back against the weapon to look at her.

"Go ahead," her master said, pulling her weapon back and draping her arm over her leg. With the other she reached for Lance's hair giving it a hard yank as she forced him to look up. "Tell him what you did before you joined the paladins. How you betrayed me. You're own family"

She couldn't do it. She couldn't respond. No matter what her master said, the fear inside her refused to let her speak. There was a time when she could answer any question with no hesitation. But now looking into Lance's eyes, seeing the hurt and confusion swirling inside those orbs. It was all she could do not to cry. So instead she looked down. She looked down at her feet noticing for the first time the few scuffs that had made their mark on her boots.

"Nothing to say?" She scoffed, dropping Lance's head and rising to her feet. "You were always weak because of that." She jerked her chin towards Nova.

In response the guard who had originally stopped her grabbed her. He removed her weapon and pushed Nova towards her master. Her chin was grabbed roughly squeezing tight so she couldn't talk.

"We're going to have some fun aren't we little one?"

Nova cringed at the name she had heard since she started her training.

Her master released her, "that requires a response." She raised a hand as if to slap her.

"Yes, Master Aria." Nova replied, dipping her head.

"Good. I'm glad we're on the same page." Aria smiled. "Guard take them to their cell. I'm sure she has a lot of explaining to do."

Nova couldn't even bring her gaze in Lance's direction. This was not how she planned to tell him about her past if at all.

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