Chapter 8

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Her room was just as if she had left it. Papers scattered across the floor and clothing thrown across the bed. The day she had left had not been a happy one.

The plan to escape had been in motion for a while; it was just Aria's latest punishment that sent her over the edge. Garbhan was once again being the jackass he was well known for, only he never got caught.

Nova set the bundle Aria had handed her on the bed. With her hands now free she worked the zipper of her suit down before shrugging the clothing off. She slipped the long sleeve top on the skin tight material molding to her body. It was perfect for the movement required for fighting. The double slit floor length skirt on the other hand, not so much. While impractical for a fight it did show where she stood in Aria's court, and Nova could use that kind of power to help Lance.

Nova was just tightening her thigh sheath when a knock sounded at her door. Still not trusting of the place she used to call home she drew a blade. Placing it behind her back she opened the door.

Standing on the other side was Garbhan. A smirk plastered on his face and a hunger behind his yellow eyes cause Nova to tense.

"Miss me?" He asked, pushing his way into her room. Nova stumbled back. Too shocked to even fight his entrance. Gathering herself she tightened her grip on the blade behind her back.

"What do you want?" She growled. "I'm supposed to be meeting with Aria in fifteen minutes. I don't have time for this."

"That's exactly why I'm here." Garbhan said. He stopped by her desk pushing papers to the side before turning to look at her. He let out a low whistle. "Damn. Aria really does know how to dress someone." He stepped closer.

Nova stepped back, swatting his hand back when he reached for her hair. "Get to the point."

Garbhan's smirk from before faded to a frown. He stepped towards her and Nova instinctively backed up until her back hit a wall. Garbhan stopped with inches to spare between them.

"Let's get one thing straight-" He grabbed her hips, thumbs brushing her bare skin showing between her skirt and top- "I call the shots around her when Aria isn't here. Which means you answer to me."

Nova recoiled, "And if I don't?" She snarled.

He grabbed her chin roughly forcing her to look at him, "Oh you wouldn't want to know what I would do to you if you cross me."
The fear that flooded Nova was indescribable. She could tell in that yellow gaze that he meant every word that he said. After what happened in the alley she knew that next time he wasn't going to hold back.

For the few seconds that she had been lost in her thoughts he had drawn closer. His lips dragging over his lips. His lust for her is more than prominent in his gaze and actions.

Her eyes widened and she pulled the blade from behind her. The pointed edge rested against his throat. "You stay in your lane, I'll stay in mine. No one gets hurt. Deal?" She tilted her head indicating she wasn't about to back down.

Garbhan gave a squeeze to her hips before letting go, allowing his hands to drop down the side of her leg before they pulled away. "Deal-" he moved to the door- "But if you step so much as a little bit out of line it's all over for you." He looked her up and down one last time then he was out the door.

As soon as the door latched Nova was sliding to the floor hand cupped over her mouth to muffle her whimpers. The blade clattered from her hand as it went to her swirling stomach. It took everything in her to keep from vomiting.

Lance, I really need you right now, but do you even want me?


She arrived at the entrance to the cell block right on time. Aria was already there with her personal guard waiting with her. Garbhan had made himself scarce and for that she was thankful.

Aria smiled her eyes looking over her handiwork. "Blue really is your color."

Nova fought to not flinch as Garbhan's words came to mind followed by Lance's pained expression when he learned the truth. Instead of a voiced response she nodded keeping her face neutral as Aria turned and led them into the cell block.

A few minutes passed before they stopped in front of a door. It opens and they step through. Already inside are three guards posted around a chair. Strapped inside is Lance. He's bruised and dried blood coats his armor, but he's alive. The thought surges hope through her, it's just as quickly shattered when she notices he won't meet her gaze. He doesn't even flinch when one of the guards begins to sharpen a blade.

He's accepted his fate.

No! She wanted to scream. You're not going to die! You're going to get out of here! But she can't. Cause he won't listen to anything she has to say, not after everything.


Nova turned to look. Years of training unlocked moving herself as if second nature. She hated herself for responding. She hated that she couldn't do anything. She hated the familiar blade held before her. The vines and leaves on the hilt, the way the blade caught the light and shone brighter than a star, her love of the familiar weight in her hand, she hated all of it. But most of all, she hated that she knew what was being asked of her when she took the blade. And when she stepped before Lance he finally looked up at her, his hardened gaze he had been building for his Galra torturer shattered when he saw it was her before him.

And just like that her last hope to reach Lance, the hope that he would be able to escape burst just like her heart that was overflowing with love for the man tied down before her.

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