Chapter 10

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After their first meeting, Nova made it a priority to sneak to Lance's cell. They were on the brink of finalizing their escape plan; there were just a few details that needed to be attended to. Like when Aria will be away from the ship, and how to sneak past Garbhan who seemed to rule with an Iron fist while the boss was away.

It was on one day as such when Aria happened to be away that Lance and Nova decided to take action. Garbhan was busy with battle strategy and hardly reacted when Nova excused herself from the room.

Half an hour later Nova was headed toward Lance's cell, a bag strung over her shoulder and her blade strapped into its sheath. The guards hardly gave her a second look as she passed, only it was a few seconds too late for her to react when one of them grabbed her forcing her arms behind her back.
"You really thought Garbhan had no idea what you two were planning?" The guard asked as he placed her hands in cuffs and relieving her of her bag and blade.
"Let me go!" Nova growled pushing back against the guard.
"Not so fast, missy. Garbhan has plans for you." And with that she was forced back down the hall and away from Lance's cell.
After being dragged down several corridors the guards stopped in front of a door she had managed to avoid thus far. One rap on the door and they were walking through, meanwhile Nova was swallowing her fear.
Leaning against his desk was Garbhan. Arms crossed across his chest, eyes narrowed with a mixture of hatred and lust. Their eyes met and Nova turned to run, however; the guards were ready for her. Taking her by the arms they threw her to the ground at Garbhan's feet. She pushed herself to a sitting position glaring back at the guards who only turned to leave, not giving her a second thought.
"You've stepped out of line," Garbhan said. He pushed himself off the empty desk. He kneeled before her and in one motion had his hand around her throat cutting off her airway. "And I told you, you wouldn't like what I had in store for you if you did."
He released her and Nova was gasping for breath as he turned his back to her. "Don't you dare lay a hand on me!" Nova yelled.
Garbhan only chuckled as he removed his uniform shirt and turned to face her once more. "Oh sweetheart...." He started as he pulled her to her feet. He placed a hand on her wrist and another on the small of her back pressing her against him. Nova tried to shy away but Garbhan only pressed harder. Releasing her wrist he tucked her hair behind her ear before leaning close, "What kind of punishment would it be if I didn't?"


Hours. Hours had passed since Nova said she would come. Lance wanted to remain on the hopeful side and think that some unforeseen complication had come up. Then there was the deep mistrust in the pit of his stomach that told him that Nova wasn't coming.
He knew that he shouldn't have given her a second chance especially after all the things she had hidden from him. He had thought there relationship had been closer than that. He had even made it clear that she could talk to him, but she didn't and now he was in a cell and she was off with the Galra making more plans to capture the others.
"Son of a bitch." Lance grumbled, rising to his feet with the help of the wall. His wounds were still somewhat sore, thanks to Nova he avoided infection and will live to fight another day....that is if Nova doesn't convince the Galra to kill him. What was with that girl, he couldn't even tell what side she was one. Why bandage his wounds if she was only going to kill him a few weeks later?
Lance's thoughts are interrupted by a high pitched scream piercing the air. It sounded scared and an awfully lot like Nova.....

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