Chapter 12.

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Chapter 12.

Zayn’s P.O.V.

Louis just kept laughing at me! I seriously couldn’t stand the boy anymore. Damn you rain for making me look like a drowned cat!

“this is in style now!” I grinned at him while running my hands through my soaked hair. He laughed but suddenly his face fell.

“here’s the thing” he slowly said, “you were right all along” he continued. I frowned, “what are you talking about?” I asked him confused. “remember when you told me you wanted the bet to end? Well, I really want it to end too” he answered. I got it, he wanted Lucy all to himself. I knew we were best friends but I really did like Lucy, what was I supposed to do? Maybe we should let Lucy choose? “Louis” I thought of something to say without starting a fight or whatever.

“I think that erm, okay, listen to me, I’ll tell you what I want! I want to be with Lucy, really badly!” I told him a little louder making sure he understood what I was saying. “then I’m afraid that we have a problem, Zayn. Because I think we share the same feelings” Louis said getting a little frustrated. I really diddn’t want to lose one of my best buds. “I think we should ask Lucy what she wants” I said lowering my voice just the slightest bit. Louis raised his eyebrows, something he always did when he was thinking. “I agree” he slowly said looking up at me. “well then let’s call her to say we’re coming over” I told Louis taking my phone out of my pocket and handing it over to him, “because you like to use my phone” I smirked at him. He scoffed and grabbed my phone out of my hand. He typed in Lucy’s number and held my phone up to his ear.

Lucy’s P.O.V.

‘Hi, we’re One Direction. Whoa…’

“hey Zayn, what’s up?” I asked as I picked up the phone. “Why are you calling me at 8.30 PM?” I continued asking. Was something wrong? “Hi there, not Zayn” I heard Louis answer from the other side of my phone. “oh no, Louis did you seriously take Zayn’s phone again? Don’t you have a phone yourself?” I asked, sighing as I sat down on the couch turning off the TV I was watching.

“We kind of need to talk to you?” Louis said not sounding so sure of his words. He sounded a little nervous, why would he be nervous? “oh my goodness Louis what did you do? Is there something wrong? Please tell me you diddn’t kill zayn” I said again not sure what to expect, I mean we’re talking about Louis here.

“ok, so here’s the thing. We kind of both really like you and we don’t know which one of us you like better since we know you’ve been on a date with both of us and..” “Whoa, Louis, calm down. I can’t understand you when you talk like that, relax. Breathe!” I giggled to Louis. “can you just give me Zayn?” I continued. I heard some muffled sounds coming from my phone and then, “Hi Lucy, Zayn here” “Hi Zayn, can you please tell me what is going on?” I asked curiously. “well, basically, we just really want to know which one of us do you like more” Zayn carefully said. Oh my goodness, I wasn’t ready to pick between the guys just yet. I had been struggling with this for the past few days. How can I get more time to think?

“euh, guys, I really don’t want to talk about this over the phone. I want to be able to look you guys in the eyes and tell you face to face” I quickly said, “why don’t you guys come over now and we’ll talk, would that be ok?” I continued hoping their car would break down and they’d  have to walk here.

“yeah, ok. We’ll come over right away” Zayn said again while I heard Louis complaining about something in the background. “oh, Louis wants to talk to you” I heard Zayn again before Louis’ voice sounded through my phone again. “why don’t you make us some coffee? Bye!!” Louis said right before hanging up the phone and leaving me chuckling with my phone still up to my ear.

I guess I’m just going to make coffee and make lists of all the good and bad thing about Zayn and Louis. Why was this so hard?


After the bell had been ringing for at least 10 minutes I finally opened the door and was greeted by two handsome boys in clothes completely soaked from the rain. “why the hell diddn’t you open the door right away?!” Louis dramatically shouted allready coming in, his shoes making my floor dirty, “thank you, now I’m going to have to clean the floor again tomorrow” I said as I pushed Louis back to the door opening so he could take off his shoes. “and I diddn’t open the door because someone had to come at the exact moment when you sit down on the toilet, I decided to read a book. Guess who won the ‘74th annual hunger games’?” I teased as I finally let them inside after they took off their shoes.

“You think this is funny??!! LOOK AT MY HAIR!!” Zayn said as he tried to fix his hair while looking in his ‘pocket mirror’. He looked like he was about to cry, I couldn’t help but laugh a little. How did I get to be so lucky to meet these guys? I thought to myself.

I was shaken out of my thoughts by Louis snapping his fingers dramatically in my face, “Heloooow?” he asked as he looked at me confused. “well, thank you Lucy. We are also very glad we met you” Zayn smiled while turning around to look at me. Oh no, had I been saying that out loud..

I could feel my cheeks warming up a little while Louis just laughed. “can we please get back to why you guys were here again?” I quickly said as I dragged them to my kitchen.

“and do you guys want tea?” I asked them as they sat down on the dinner table.

“Oh and have you guys noticed the chairs? I always use them to sit on” I said as I took Louis hand and pushed him down on one of the chairs. Luckily Zayn didn’t want any problems and followed his lead.

“sooow, back to the conversation” Zayn said while sipping from his cup of tea. “yeah about that..” “HI WE’RE ONE DIRECTION, WOAH you’re popul..” Louis’ phone rang from his pocket, I looked at him weirdly because of his ringtone but he laughed it off while quickly picking up the phone.

“Yes, this is Louis… yes.. Oh my carrots!! Yes.. I’ll be there as soon as possible.. I’m sorry but I don’t think I can get there sooner… okay, I’ll see you tomorrow” he hung up the phone and ran to the hallway, “Louis? What’s wrong? Where are you going?” Zayn and I questioned him. “my sister.. I, I need to go home, I’m sorry” he was out the door before we knew it. I looked over at Zayn to find him looking at me with the same worried expression as me..

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 07, 2013 ⏰

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