Chapter 5.

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A/N: like i promised here is a longer chapter :) hope you like it and vote/comment that would make me very happy :D and can you guys go follow my friends new account on twitter @xrandomxstuff they really have awesome tweets!

-xo Wilhelmina

Chapter 5.

Lucy’s P.O.V. (first time ever :D)

My whole room was a hot mess! My closet was now empty and everything that was in it was now spread all across my bedroom. How can I have so much clothes and nothing to wear for my date? I know were just going shopping and have lunch but I want to look really pretty for Louis. I really like him, I think.. I stood up from the ground and looked under my bed where I kept all the clothes that diddn’t fit in my closet. My eye fell over a box, a white box with baby blue ribbon around it. The memories that I closed up and put away for so long now came floating back. My eyes started getting wet and I took the box, I’m happy I wasn’t wearing any make up yet. I gently pulled off the ribbon and opened the box and there it was, it was ‘the’ outfit I wanted to wear for my little date with Louis. It was a bright yellow little dress that flew up in the wind, it had a big golden necklace detailing on it and a tear fell from my eye. This was the dress my mom wore before she got in a car accident with my dad. I remember what she looked like, she looked beautiful in this dress and my dad loved it too he picked it out for her in the store. I now realised how much I missed my parents, how I miss them being around, their hugs everything about them. And the last things I said to them .. I quickly wiped the escaped tears away and took the dress with me to the bathroom.


As soon as I was wearing the dress, the shoes that matched the dress perfectly and a little amount of make-up, I walked downstairs, out of my house and onto the street. I now realised that I might be a little overdressed, I saw some guys looking at me before they whistled to me. I hated when men did that, it means all of their attention is drawn to you and I hate being the centre of attention. I quickly kept walking before anything might happen. I turned at a corner into a not so attractive looking alley when I suddenly bumped up to someone and hit the ground. “watch where you’re going!” I heard a husky and low male voice scream at me. Shit, I hope my dress is still fine. I looked up and saw a man that I have never seen before “I’m so sorry sir” I mumbled as I got up as graceful as I possibly could looking like a lady. I was shocked when I suddenly got pulled up by my upper arm. What the hell? I thought in myself as I looked confused around me looking for the person who had yanked me up off the ground. I saw the man who I had bumped into and he brought a friend. I now could look in his eyes and got a little scared something was wrong! Or he just used drugs or he was incredibly drunk. I looked over to his friend and he probably did the same thing judging from his eyes. The first man suddenly got really close and looked at me from head to toe. “what’s a fancy lady like you doing in this place?” he asked with his bad alcoholic breath, that I hadn’t smelled it before, I could probably smell it from 5 miles away. “excuse me but I don’t have much time I really need to go right now” I tries to say but he tightened his grip around my arm, he squeezed it really hard, I winced. “you’re hurting me” I said while I looked down to his hand on my arm. “pretty rich girls like you don’t belong in a place like this!” he said while coming really close to my face and definitely invading my personal space. “Leave and don’t come back” he whispered in my ear while releasing my arm. For a moment I just stood there, than I ran, I ran as fast as I could with my high heels. Tears in my eyes. Why did this remind me of my mom? This had nothing to do with my parents, but thinking about them made the tears fall from my eyes even harder.

Louis’ P.O.V.

I was standing outside the café where we were supposed to meet, I have been waiting for 45 minutes and she still wasn’t here. I wanted to go home but a part of me had hope that she could show up any second from now. I guess I’ll just wait for 5 more minutes I thought to myself when I suddenly heard heels running towards me. I looked up and saw Lucy, her eyes were red and puffy and her mascara was everywhere except on her eyelashes. Her curly hair was a mess from running probably and her dress, her dress was beautiful, she looked beautiful even though what her hair and make-up looked like. “What happened??!!” I asked her a little in shock and angry at the person who did this to her. “I .. I” she started stuttering but started crying again. I walked closer to her and embraced her in a warm and tight hug. I led her into the café and sat down with her still in my arms. I comforted her and she started calming down. “are you okay?” I asked her softly whispering in her ear. She smiled but it diddn’t reach her eyes what happened before she got her that could’ve upset her so much? “will you please tell me what happened?” I asked her almost begging but still in a sort of comforting way. She looked at me and started talking. “it began when I was in my room looking through my closet for something to wear today, when I couldn’t find anything I looked under my bed an found this dress which belonged to my mom, she wore it before she got in a car accident with my dad” a tear rolled over her cheek and I wiped it away with my hands and hugged her tight while she laid her head down on my chest. “I was already late so I hurried my way here when I barged into a drunk man in an alley and he had a friend and I fell on the ground and he pulled me up hurting my arm..” she sobbed in my shirt she was really shocked by what happened and I looked at her arms, when I looked at her right arm I saw a bruise that was starting to get purple. My blood started boiling up by the thought that some drunk guy did this to Lucy. “who did this?” I asked her in an angry low voice. She looked up at me and I could see her beautiful tear filled shiny eyes. “I don’t know, I diddn’t know that man I just bumped into him. He said that pretty rich girls like me shouldn’t be in a place like that and that I had to go and never come back” she told me when she slowly calmed down. “what did he look like?” I asked her wanting to kick the jackass’ butt! “I don’t remember I was kind of busy being scared of a random drunken Guy!” she said sarcastically. I smiled at her “I love it when your sarcastic, are okay now?” I asked her while again embracing her in a tight hug. She smiled up at me and nodded, gosh she was beautiful!


After we talked about her parents and her life story she cheered up a little and we went shopping, we were now at the fitting rooms and she was trying on a little dress which we both really liked. “I have it on can I come out now?” I heard Lucy screaming. “yes you can!” I screamed back. She came out and my chin hit the ground, she looked beautiful! “were buying it!” I yelled at her while pushing her back in her little hutch. “do you even know how much it costs? And I diddn’t bring that much money!” she yelled at me. “I don’t care how much it is and I’m paying! You don’t have to worry about a thing” I yelled back at her smirking. “oh my gosh I just saw the price tag and you’re so not buying this for me! It’s 89 dollars!” she yelled back, I was now laughing. “Louis William Tomlinson, do I hear you laughing?!” she yelled over the door. “you do know I’m going to win this game right?” I asked her laughing even harder. “not today you’re not! I’m paying or we won’t buy it” she shouted back. I might just lose this this game right now … that can’t happen I thought to myself. She came out of the little room and looked at me suspicious. And she was gone, she ran off to the pay desk and stuck her tongue out of her mouth when I came running after her. She was allready handing her money over to the cashier when I came running taking the money out of her hands and secretly putting it in Lucy’s handbag. I took money out of my wallet and paid for the dress “keep the change!” I shouted at the cashier while I took Lucy’s hand and ran off with her. “what was that again about me losing this game today?” I asked her teasingly. “I won the game!!” she shouted “I put the money in your wallet when you weren’t looking!!” she continued shouting. “you’re lying!!” I said as I looked at her suspiciously. “nope” she said popping the p. I took my wallet out of my pocket and looked inside it when suddenly Lucy ‘stole’ it and ran away into a lingerie store, as if I was afraid to go in a store like that. When I was about to walk in she came out giggling and handed me my wallet. “here you go!” she said widely smiling. I took it from her and looked inside it where I found 90 dollars wrinkled inside it. I looked at her and she ran off so I couldn’t give it back so I walked into a random store and bought clothes in her size for over 300 dollars and walked out again and saw her sitting on a bench eating ice-cream “I won the game!” I shouted and she raised her head and looked at me shocked when she saw me with all these bags filled with clothes. She came walking over to me and slapped my arm I wanted to say something about it but as soon as I opened my mouth she pushed her ice-cream in my face. So there I stand with vanilla and banana flavoured ice-cream on my face. I slowly walked towards lucy, dropped the bags and crashed my lips on hers. Butterfly’s escaped my stomach and it felt great. I took her head in my hands and kissed her fiercely. Suddenly she deepened the kiss and her tongue begged for entrance I slightly opened my mouth and explored her mouth with my tongue I slightly smiled in the kiss and we broke the kiss. She looked at me smiling and I started laughing, her face was covered with ice-cream and I started licking it off. “eeew Louis!!” she screeched and I laughed at her “what’s wrong darling?” I asked her innocently when she started leaning in and so did I but when I closed my eyes and our faces were as close as could be she suddenly started licking my face! “eeew Lucy!!” I copied her and she instantly started laughing, so did I. “come on, let’s get us some lunch, I’m hungry!” I said as I took the bags in one hand and Lucy’s hand in the other she smiled at me and we -Hand in hand- walked to the sandwich shop around the corner where we sat down and hat lunch and a funny conversation about The Hunger Games, I really, really liked her!

Love Games ...  {1D}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu