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Jungkooks Pov↴

After being on a plane for 3 hours, I was back on hard ground. I took a deep breath of the fresh air and smiled. Soon we were greeted by two men, one was very tall and had silver hair while the other one was at an average height and had black hair

"Greeting, Mr. and Mrs. Zhang, Mr. Jeon and Miss. Zhang. My name is Kim Namjoon, just call me by my name. It's so nice to have you here in Korea."

"Hello, My name is Min Yoongi, you can just call me by my name as well." the black hair male said as he looked at Y/n and smiled.

"Thank you very much! During my meeting with your Alpha would you mind giving the rest of my family a tour of the pack?" Lay asked Yoongi

"I'm sure that the Alphas mother would love to give you guys a tour. I'm going to warn you right now that the Alpha is in a tight spot, the elders have been giving him a hard time about not having a mate and a luna for the pack. Sometimes he will emit his pheromones, which can be deadly to those who are not mated. However most of the time he will command them to stop in his alpha tone." Yoongi said.

Namjoon had opened the doors to both vehicles, signaling that it was time to head out. Lay and Jae-Hyun got into the first as Y/n and I got into the second one. Once we were seated and buckled the cars shifted into drive and we took off from the airport.

1 hr time skip↴

I looked over at Y/n and noticed that she was scrolling through her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked out of curiosity

"Mhh I'm reading a really good mythology book about Omegas." She replied as she handed me her phone. "I'm reading about male omegas and their heat."

I carefully took her phone and began to read.

"When male omegas heat begins their body goes through many changes. The stages of heat for a male omega cause serious pain to the body, the pain is mostly in the stomach area. The reason why pain occurs there in the first stage is that the body is preparing for a womb. The second stage is a large wave of nausea, and or a fever which causes the body to vomit up all fluids and or food, which tells you that the womb is almost completed. The third stage of heat is where a larger amount of pain takes over the area between the legs. This stage is very painful for a male omega to handle alone so it's best to have a female family member nearby to help them through this process. During that process, the male omega's lower area will grow a female part, a vagina, however, the omega still has his male parts. This is what allows the omega to be able to get knotted and pregnant by their mate. After the heat of the omega, and the omega is impregnated, the female part will stay throughout the pregnancy up till birth. After the omega gives birth the female part will disappear in about two days or more but will be back for the male omegas next heats."

"That's scary," I said as I handed y/n her phone back, absolutely terrified.

Y/n carefully to her phone back, "Crazy right? But it says it won't happen till your twenty. Wait your birthday is next month right?"

My eyes went wide "Yeah, it its."

"Haha, I don't think you will have your mate till at least a half a year later. Meh who knows you might find them this week."

"To be honest I feel like I'm going to meet them really soon!" I told her as I sighed deeply.


Sorry for the long break! Tbh I was trying to have a long chapter rather than a short chapter but yeah.... I think I'm going to do short chapters every other week or 2. I'm very sorry fr the long wait ur suffered. I love u all! <3

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