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Jungkooks Pov↴

"Hello This is you Captain Speaking. We are getting ready to land."

"Kook. Look out the window!" Jae-hyun whispered. I shifted my body towards the window and looked out. The view was absolutely breath taking. The trees were a deep forest green, with a light gray color fog seeping through them. The ground below looked wet as if it had just rained. 

"Is this really the place I was born?" 

"Mhh" Jae-hyun just nodded her head and smiled.

"Wow, Its so pretty! I hope my mate lives here instead of Japan!!" Y/n Said.

"What! Why?" Her brother asked

"Cause its so pretty here, and I think that this would be the best home for pups! Don't you think so kookie?"

"Yeah it seems perfect!" I told her as I kept looking out the window, as the sun slowly began to shine trough the dark clouds, as the plane slowly landed. 

 Taehyung's POV↴

"Alpha! You need to find a mate! The pack needs a Luna!" The elders nagged, as I continued to walk around, while checking on pack members after last night rains storm, seeing if they needed anything fixed in their houses, like a roof leak. 

"Mhh." Taehyung sighed deeply, "I understand, but their is no one that sparks both mine and my wolfs interest." 

"Young man your almost to the age of mating! Don't you want to have pups?"

"I do. Like I said before no one here sparks our interest!" 


"ENOUGH!" He commanded in his alpha voice. Causing the pack members around them to wince. Taehyung quickly apologized and sat down on the nearest bench and rubbed his forehead, trying to sooth the pain from a headache. Why have these been happening so much lately. "Enough, I will find my mate, sooner or later! Right now is not the best time to bother me about it!" 

"I'm truly sorry alpha. I will leave you alone." Taehyung watched as the old man walked away and into the pack library. Taehyung leaned back into the bench and looked up into the sky as his mind went up into the clouds. As he thought of his dream family. Taehyung didn't mind what gender his mate would be, all he wanted was for his mate to love him and to carry their pups with love. A happy family with 4 to 5 pups, living in a safe pack environment, and growing old together, while sitting out on the porch watching their grand-kids play in the grass. Taehyung smiled at the thought.

Taehyung thoughts was interrupted when a sweet voice began to spoke. "Taehyung, what are you thinking about?" Taehyung opened his eyes and looked towards the woman that spoke to him. He smiled and replied "Eomma, I'm just thinking about my mate." Taehyungs mom looked at him and smiled sweetly.

"Im happy that you get to have the mate of your own choice! Unlike me." His mom smile turned onto a frown. "Taehyung what do you think your mate is going to be like?"

"To be honest, I get the feels that their going to be someone who wants lots of love and affection. Someone who learns quickly. They love to goof around, their good at basically everything. And they really want to have a family soon."

"Sound like the perfect mate to me, I cant wait to meet them! I love them already! Oh I cant wait to have grand babies!!" She smile as she pulled Taehyung into a tight hug, as she ruffled his neat hair. "Now go get ready to meet these guest of ours."

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