Dakota 0.7

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hi guys u know that piece of shít poem you read last chapter? well its mine don't steal pls. im going through an ocean of shit that has so much shit that only i give a shit about. sorry its short. and a month late. i lava u heaps. PICTURE MAKES ME TREMBLE


It became clear to me as soon as I turned the corner to the black smoke and oncoming biters that they had no weapons. My eyes widened as I twisted around and saw they were staying in the sam place to avoid the biters. The shooters had seemed to have given up and left the roofs. I began to sprint to Michonne who was behind and closest to me.

"Go back into the room!" I yelled and she nodded yelling it to the others. I was first to get in and another explosion shook the ground and a few scalpels and scissors came falling to the ground. I turned and Michonne had already grabbed her katana and I saw there were other weapons stashed in the corner as well as on the medical tables and benches. Everyone had already used their initiative and were now armed with enough.

I slid my Katana from its coat and felt the tip with my finger. Blood beaded at the time of my finger and I slipped it back in and slung the band over my shoulder. I looked through the rifle ranges and chose the smallest one. I drew out a knife thirty centimetres in length and held it in my other hand. Incase Kiel was unarmed, he would need one.

I turned to see Bob raising his knife to stab a dead man.

"Don't" I snapped "Let him turn" he looked to Rick and Rick nodded.

"Let them all turn" he spat. I nodded and advanced on one of the doors. I was skeptical to take the first one because running into live fire was like to be killed and will all the Biters around one of them was bound to be bitten. Whether it was wise or not to help this group, I would. I wasn't quite as heartless as to kill a man with a child when I knew he could get out alive.

"This way!" Rick yelled at another door. I looked at him and for a few seconds I was afraid he wouldn't let me come. I felt like I was thirteen again and being rejected from a group with bitchy girls wearing tiara's and pink skirts.

"You heard him" Daryl said, looking at me "This way"


. no dakota. be ur own bítch)


The air was intense as we creeped through what looked like a decapitation room. Relics of human bodies hung from the ceiling, suspended in the air like bloody lanterns. This is sick. Skinned animals were one thing, but skinned humans? Have they no decency?

"Cross any of these people, you kill em'. Don't hesitate" Rick broke the silence as the others were grabbing more weapons "They won't" he added. My face was set in a glare and I felt mean. Not the kind of mean you would feel after killing bug, but the mean you would feel before killing the bug.

Yelling and banging came from outside and we all looked out of the window to where it was coming from.

"If we run, we can get by 'em. They're distracted" Rick said and I silently agreed. I couldn't speak if I wanted to. I could feel the rage seeping through my skin, my aura had become no short of animalistic. Killing; I was ready for. This would be the last day I could say that I'd only killed twelve people.

"We gotta let those people out. It's still who we are" Glenn said and when Rick turned to him he uttered a "It's gotta be"

Rick nodded and opened the door. In this state of mind I couldn't even fathom the idea of risking my asś for other people, but that's what I was doing, right? Helping them? Risking my skin to help them? No. I was risking my skin so I didn't have to live under the guilt that I had been since forever. No matter how much I convinced myself I was helping in the end it was my own greed, all so I could redeem myself.

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