Dakota 0.3

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Maybe it was a haven, the fact that it said SANCTUARY made me doubt my original thoughts of it being unsafe. Wait. No it didn't. We can't trust a goddamn sign. Well, Kiel seems pretty okay with trusting a map and a few empty words.

"C'mon! This could be true! Where else do we have to go? We should at least try! This... this could be a new beginning" he whispered the last part.

Or it could be yet another dead end. This whole world is a dead end, there's no hope anywhere, if this whole world is full of those... things we could well be the last ones alive.

"Dakota" I heard the familiar whisper of my mother behind me. I turned around and she wasn't alone. She stood with my father and... Mika.

"What are you doing here?" I kneeled down so I was her height.

"Dakota? Are you okay?" Kiel asked from behind me, I felt him place a hand on my shoulder and I turned around and gave a soft nod.

"He can't see me, huh?" Mika asked staring at him innocently.

"Why isn't she...?" I asked my mother, instead of giving me an answer she nodded down at Mika.

"I'm looking for Lizzie, my sister" She chirped, seemingly happy at the mention of 'Lizzie' "Can you help me find her?"

I took a sharp breath "I don't know..."

I felt incredibly pathetic as soon as those words slipped my mouth. Did I or did I not know whether I was going to survive? I took a chance in this world and here I was standing in one piece, air going through my lungs and peop- others around me. But I'd just told this little girl that I didn't know if I could help her find her sister. I know I can find her sister and I have a feeling that she's where I least want to go.

"Actually, you're coming with me. We're going to find Lizzie" I said grasping her hand and I looked at my mother who had a smile braced on her face.

"Who's Lizzie?" Kiel asked confused "Are you talking to yourself?" Mika laughed at him and I offered her a small smile. I ignored Kiel's questions and gave one last look at my father and mother.

"We'll be here when you need us, Kota" My father said as he and my mother walked into the woods, disappearing as soon as they touched forest ground.

"Can you please explain what just happened?" Kiel asked and I opened my mouth to come up with some sort of explanation but as soon as it opened, it shut. Not because I didn't want to tell him but because a group of six- maybe seven Biters were hobbling over and once they caught a whiff of our smell and laid their eyes on us, we had become their next meal.

Their moans could be heard from anywhere and they would draw others, so tackling them head on- not literally- seemed to be the best thing to do. Kiel seemed to have thought the same thing as he gripped his knife.

"I'll be okay" Mika said "They can't see me either"

I nodded okay and she murmured a small "be safe" to me and I felt my heart twinge a little.

"Okay, Kiel, take them from the front, don't get to emerged. Try not to have any Biter's behind you" I said and he nodded get himself in stance to kill.

"Don't die. Don't get bit" He said to me and without taking my eyes of the Biters I replied with a "Same to you"

I drew my Katana and drove it straight through the forehead of a female Biter. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Kiel had the majority of them to his side so I turned and stabbed the closest one that had it's back to me. I turned quickly and landed my Katana through the skull of a male. All that could be heard was the rush of wind, Kiel's grunts and the sound of limp bodies hitting the ground.

Infected \\ Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now