Dakota 0.1

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Setting: In a tree atm. She's following Ralph and Kiel through the woods while they hunt. She's supposed to be asleep bc she hasn't slept in days and Kiel insisted she sleep and she was all like 'okay, i guess i am tired..." but she like took the chance to go do wth she wanted to do and kiel and ralph went hunting like i said so she decided to follow them bc she's a bad mother fúcker lol {PS. Kiel is pronounced ky-el or kyle whatever way you prefer & Ralph is r-al-f hehe ok sorry bye} Excuse this chapter pls its short


My hearing pricked at every single word they said. I was supposed to be asleep but how could you fall asleep in the company of strangers? And During the day? Sure they weren't a threat when I was face to face with them, but that's when you can defend yourself, when you're awake and alert. Oh, how stupid it would have been of me if I had fallen asleep. My parents were scavenging the woods for berries and fruits while I was up here in this tree, listening in on the conversation happening below.

"That's cold-blooded murder" I heard from the voice whom I recognised as Kiel. He was a little younger than me and from the week I had been here I'd observed his behaviour and skills. He wasn't bad at up close killing but the poor guy couldn't aim a gun properly even if his life depended on it and in a world like this, your life depended on it more times than less. I had watched as he took orders, follower not a leader, yet he was protective of his camp and his people like a leader should be.

"It's survival" Now, that came from the actual leader. Ralph.

"What do we tell his wife? Walkers? Again? The people are going to start leaving if they don't think they're safe here, if they think we can't protect them from a few Walkers" Kiel argued. Ralph was planning to kill one of his own?

"They believed it when I killed Damien and plus the people have no where to go. They wont leave, were their last option. Their only option" Ralph argued, I could just imagine him clenching his teeth and by the sound of his voice he was doing it hard. Damien was a six year old boy who had apparently wondered off and been devoured by walkers two days ago. I was there when his death was announced and I was there when I saw him wander into the woods, but he wasn't alone at the time. I'd seen Ralph summoning him into the woods and I should have known something was happening. I should have known that he'd not been captured by the walkers, but fed. Damien had been fed to the walkers.

"There will be no people if you keep going like this" Kiel snapped and I winced as he snapped. Killing people is wrong but Kiel is treading on glass here, Ralph wasn't the nicer of the brothers. However, Ralph would never do anything to Kiel. It had been 'Ralph and Kiel against the world since the beginning' as Kiel had told me when he'd showed me around.

"I'm doing what's best for us. For me and you, Kiel. This is what's best. It's time to eliminate the weak links" Ralph explained "Plus, Dave has been a threat. That guys head isn't screwed on right, I'm telling you, his wife is the same. The end of the world is getting to their heads, his wife is just lucky she's the only nurse at this camp otherwise she'd be deadweight and we don't need deadweight. He's a threat, alright? Trust me"

"Speaking of threats" Ralph said grimly as Kiel continued to "the girl"

I rolled my eyes. Me obviously.

"What about her? Seems alright to me" Kiel said. Of course he wouldn't think anything of me. I hadn't killed anything in front of them, reason being that I didn't know them and showing my strength wasn't the smart thing to do straight away, unless I had to and I still hadn't run into much trouble. If anything I was more unpredictable than Ralph.

"She's hiding something and she's crazy" Ralph insisted as he checked one of the snares in a nearby rabbit hole. Surely enough there was a small rabbit snagged in the mouse trap, blood covering its face, eyes almost exploded clearly due to the pressure of the metal clamping its neck to the small wooden plank.

Infected \\ Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now