{Ch 3 ~ Smitten}

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Waking up slowly i stared at the ceiling, i had planned my day, go to the library to finish an assignment and go to work, but the warmth of my blankets beckoned me to stay bundled up. Moving my feet slightly coming in contact with a soft squishy body. 

A small meow coming from the lump before the feline decided to come up to my face her fat little body giggling as she came and sat on my stomach, "Hey Hamie" i smiled gently giving the fat calico a pat on her head. 

Reluctantly i got out of my bed Ham in tow, getting changed into some joggers and a baggy jumper before leaving my room expecting to see Kana passed out on the couch or something, but alas the apartment didn't have any movement other then mine and Hams. 

"Alright Hamie, im heading out for a while, please don't do anything stupid if Kana comes back" i muttered patting the fluffy cat who just flopped onto the floor wanting more rubs.

Grabbing my bag i made my way out of my apartment and into the cold breeze of the outside, my jumper barely protecting me from the cold as i walked towards the college library.

Entering the library i found a spot rather quickly, not many students come on a weekend its either the really hardcore studying types, or people who work in the week and can't study at home for one reason or another. Ham was my reason, wanting to sit all over my work space.

Grabbing out a few of my text books, i opened my note book ready to finish the god forsaken assignment on Polygraph analysis. 

After sitting there writing down a few things that i should add to my report, my eyes glanced around the room at the other people sitting with earphones in, my eyes stopping at a certain brunette, the glasses slightly reflecting their computer screen, typing away. They were basically wearing the same as me although i couldn't see what pants, they had a grey jumper on but a blazer jacket on the chair we was sitting on, 'must be wearing jeans' i thought. 

snapping my eyes away from them and back at the book in front of me, i couldn't help but glance at them every so often now that i knew they were sitting a couple desks away. 

Glancing over at my phone looking at the time, i had noticed i had a text from my manager, 

Manager Jia <3
- Don't have to come in today Sweets<3 

Y.n *
- Ah ok, i'll still come for my Chai latte <3


Getting up brushing my pants as packed away my things, before walking past the hard working brunette and out the library door towards the café. 

Hange POV

'Fuck, Fuck, Fuck' My assignment was due tomorrow at 11:59 and even though i was basically done, i was stressing, the last few questions were a bitch to try and find the answers to. 

putting my hands in my hair i leant back before returning my hands to my desk and glancing around, before my eyes land on the h/c haired girl walking passed me, for a second while i watched her leave my stress evaporated, knowing i was once again in the same building made me feel giddy. 

It had been about 20 minutes since that girl walked out of the library and i was kind of hoping she was at that café again, hoping to god she wasn't working and maybe i could actually talk to her. Gathering my stuff, roughly shoving it all in my backpack i pulled on my blazer and walked briskly towards the cute café. 

Entering the café my body was instantly hit with warm and the smell of coffee and sweets, looking around the place i spotted the girl sitting in a booth by the window, books and a laptop on the table along with a coffee cup. 

instantly my hands got sweaty at the thought of going to ask if i could sit with her, 'what if she says no...maybe i could compliment her and ask for her number, yeah lets do that' after hyping myself up a bit i walked over to the girl slowly.

Watching as she took a sip of her drink, before her eyes met mine, basically enticing me to come closer. Nervously i stood near the other chair in front of her, my hands together as we were stuck in a staring contest.

"uh, Hi, can i help you with something?" she spoke eyes breaking contact as she glanced away for a second.

my face heating up slightly, "Oh, um no, yes, uh, i just thought you looked friendly and wanted to see if i could sit here" it came out rather rushed but its better then nothing. 

She looked at the table for a second thinking, "Yeah, if you don't mind me doing my assignment" she muttered before looking back at me.

Sighing happily i nodded placing my bag down, "I'm Hange Zoe, nice to meet you" i smiled at her before picking up a menu on the table.

"Y.n L.n, Nice to meet you Hange" she returned the smile but it was so soft and warm, 'fuck, she's cute'. 

"So, uh not to be creepy but, you work here right? what drinks do you recommend?" i glanced at the menu before glancing back at her she had her thumb under her chin and her fingers curled in front of her mouth in thought.

"I will always recommend the Chai latte, but a flat white is always good, its really up to taste, we also have tea if coffee isn't your thing." Y.n quickly add the last bit smiling again before picking up her pen. 

"Hmm, ok So Chai latte it is" i returned the smile even though she wasn't looking my way any more. Getting up from the chair and making my way to the counter, looking back at Y.n for a second her hair pinned back the tip of her pen against her lips. 

So pretty~ 

1020 Words

Thank you for reading, Updates might be slow as i have assignments due which come first. <3 

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