{Ch 10 ~ Dreaming w/ You}

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It was cold and i could feel the rain drops landing on my skin, the pain from my right leg was making me weak, opening my eyes slightly the sky was covered in grey rain clouds, the rain coming down lightly.

Sitting up quickly, scanning the field i was laying in, large flesh creatures were being slaughter in the distance, it was happening again, this dream, i haven't had one like this in a while. 

My attempts on getting up from the grass failed, the pain in my leg stopping me, looking down at my leg, "w-where is it.." my knee was bandaged blood seeping through the cotton.

The people that were a few miles away were now further away going towards a large forest, "P-please Help!" my voice was shaky and hoarse. i could feel myself becoming faint "please" whispering as my body start falling back, getting winded from the impact.

Everything was black, i couldn't see, it felt like i was floating in this black void. 

"Squad leader, please calm down, she is still alive you can feel her heart beat if you want to" a calm far away voice spoke, a few loud shuffles were heard afterwards a warm hand was placed on my chest over my heart before leaving. 

"i see, I'm going to stay here if that all right" the scraping of a chair and foots steps leaving, "i'm sorry my love" the warm had returned their hand holding my own. 

The room was mostly quiet, i could only hear what sounded like pages turning and soft breathing.  "shit.." the book they must have been reading loudly shut, " if i had just been there" a hush whisper came from them.

"I'm so sorry my love, i shouldn't have left you there, please forgive me when you wake up" 


Groaning and opening my eyes slightly the sun had already gone down, i felt so warm, a sweet warm smell engulfed me. 

a small yawn came from above me, "did you sleep well?" a soft voice mumbled out, responding with a small hum i snuggled closer to the warmth, "Uh, Y.n" 

"Ah shit" sitting up as fast as i could, i could feel the warmth creeping up my neck, "I'm sorry" i had fallen asleep on Hange, the lack of warmth was starting to bother me.

a small laugh came from Hange "It's alright promise, you're so cute" they had a wide smile on their face as they looked over at me. I watched as they stretched slightly, "hmm, I'm starved want to get something to eat?" 

"Yeah of course, what were you thinking? we could order pizza" a smiled over at them, i watched as they thought for a minute, "yeah lets order pizza" 

459 Words

Sorry a really short chapter, i haven't been really motivated recently <3 

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