{Ch 5 ~ Dreams & Baking}

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The wind was cold, the sky grey, i sat leant up against a rock looking out at the rolling hills in front of me, small fires were coming from a village a couple miles away, large human like beast roamed around the destroyed village.

my attempt to get up was shattered as a bolt of pain shot up my core, my hand going to the straight to my hip, i could feel my pants had a large wet patch on my hip, looking down my eyes widened at the red liquid staining my white pants.

"oh Fuck" i muttered quickly taking removing the left sword holster from my odm gear, rolling my pants down a bit to see my injury, the large gash on my hip had blood oozing out, before i could process anything more the ground shook violently. Looking up one of the large beast was coming towards me, a smile upon its terrifying face. 

Before i could even think the beast had fallen and a flash of white went by, falling on my arse at the sudden impact of the beast falling, grabbing my side in pain a felt a warm hand on my head, look up there face was fuzzy, but i could make out some features, they had glasses on and their hair tied back. 

"You are going to be ok my love" Their warm voice made my mind feel at ease, 

"i-i'm not sure if i'll make it" i muttered by force, i had wanted to ask a question but my mind had forced me.

"No-No, Come on my sweet, hold on a little longer, i-i can go get help, Molbit is around im sure" they spoke frantically, i could feel them shake as they touched my hand and lifted my chin to look into their eyes, brown. 


"What the fuck" i muttered flinging myself up from my bed startling my cat, looking around, it was my room, "Another dream, brown eyes" i whispered thinking about those eyes that i saw for the split second they weren't fuzzy. 

Hearing Ham meow brought me back to reality again, "Ah ok lets go get you some breakfast yeah?" i flung my blanket back before getting out of bed and pulling on some sweat pants, ham following behind me as i walked into my kitchen. Placing down a small cat bowl beside my counter i had opened a wet food packet for the fat little cat rubbing her head on my legs, "There you go" i hummed.

Finding myself zoning out thinking about my most recent dream, the large beasts, the person who kept calling me love and sweets, what seemed to be my death in that world, it was all a dream but it felt like the most realist thing. Frowning slightly my stomach growling caught my attention. 

"Alright Hamie, we gonna make some bacon pancakes" i smiled happily, preparing the ingredients i needed for them placing them on the counter. Hearing the sound of a door opening and shutting, "Ah Kana, im about to make-"

"Yeah, whatever im going out" Kana was putting her phone in her bag before her eyes met mine rolling them slightly before a fake smile present on her face, "toodles." 

I watched as she went down the hall to our front door before turning to Ham, "I think i want to move out" i muttered my mood already soured for today, "Back to pancakes". I hummed to myself as i mixed in the wet mix with the dry, attempting to get everything mixed in as to not have spots of flour in the pancakes. 

As i started flipping some pancakes my phone had dinged a few times, someone was texting me but i didn't want to risk burning a pancake. Taking a break from pouring batter into the pan i glanced over at my phone before giving in and looking at the notifications, "Message from Hange?" opening my phone i quickly went to the texts she had sent.

~Hange :D~
- Hey! How was your sleep, Wanted to know when you were free next to hang out or something.

- Sorry for double text, was thinking about going to the movies?

-OO Maybe get dinner after, if you are down? sorry if you are busy.

- I'm sorry i've been cooking breakfast, im free tomorrow and Monday so whichever day fits you

- I like that idea :)

~Hange :D~
- Breakfast at 12, more like lunch :'D

- Tomorrow is good for me too, I have to go, talk to you later ;)

Shutting off my phone i couldn't help but think about the wink face she had sent, was it intentional? I don't know but if my face doesn't cool down i think i might die, My hands covering my face, why did their msg effect me so much. 

I didn't normally show much if someone was flirting with me, i'd give them a hard pass but why is it when Hange does something flirty or just nice, my face heats up like a stove on fire, one day it'll make me pass out and i've only known them for a day. 

"GAh, i think i was indirectly asked on a date!" i took my hands from my face, my eyes wide as i looked at my fluffy cat stretched out on the floor below me, the heat coming from my face could definitely roast a marshmallow at this point. 

After calming my thoughts, i had regained my composure enough to finish my breakfast, the pancakes already cooked a little cold now and needing to be placed in the oven for a minute. Ham had ignored my helpless little breakdown of feelings now wanting more food, like a fatty.

961 Words

Thank you so much for reading this chapter <3 any feed back is good <3 Sorry if its a little short. 

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