{Ch 4 ~ Dreamy}

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In all honesty i had stopped studying the moment Hange had started talking to me, For the past 5 minutes while she was up ordering i've been in my head, 'They're so.. wow' the way they had smiled at me nervously when they introduced them selves nearly made me lose my cool.

Head leaning on my palm as i lazily drew stars all over my notes page, not noticing Hange's return until she placed a travel mug down on the table along with disposable coffee cup.

Looking up at her i noticed her smile, "I wanted to get you a drink, wasn't sure what you would have wanted, so i got a Chai latte for both of us" Her smile was wide and her eyes had a sparkle in them as she looked over at me. 

Returning the warm smile "Ah, thank you, im not much of a coffee person so this is great" taking the take away cup in my hands soaking in the warmth. 

Humming a little before a small giggle came from Hange, noticing her eyes on my note book which was currently covered in stars, "Cute, What you studying" A small smirk on her lips.

My face heating up a little before i changed the page, i don't know why them seeing the lazy star drawings made me embarrassed maybe it was because i was thinking of them as i did it caused the heat going to my face. "Uh, i'm actually a Forensic student" i gave a wonky smile, my eyes avoiding theirs. 

A rather sweet laugh came from Hange as she leaned her chin on her palm, "Interesting, i study Human bio, bit of a workaholic" Hange put her mug to her lips eyes going to look out the window a bit before returning. 

our eyes meeting as they looked back at me, a soft smile playing at their lips, "Uh, Hange, Can i have your number?" I asked a small confidence spike going through my body, my phone resting between us. 

Hange's smile widened as she took my phone in her hands immediately typing in her number, "Here ya go, Send me a text" She handed my phone back, her contact open.

~Hange :D~

- ❤(ˆ‿ˆԅ)

Hange :D
- (─‿‿─)

 "cute" i muttered under my breath hoping Hange wouldn't have heard, Grabbing my drink again i looked over at Hange who was sitting smiling at their phone, They were so nice to look at, their hair was tied in a lazy bun with some free around their nap, they seemed a lot more confident now then when they had originally approached me. I smiled softly at them my lip barely touching my cup, 'I'm so glad they did introduce them self, i don't think i would have had the courage. 

I was so lost in my own thoughts i hadn't noticed that Hange was now on the phone a wide smile on their face as they looked over at me. 

Hange POV

~Short Stack~ 

Shitty glasses 
- I did it!

- Did what.

Shitty glasses
- I Got a girls phone number, the one from the café the other day!

- This is annoying im calling you

I smiled at my phone waiting for it to ring, my eyes briefly going over to the girl in front of me, she was looking at me, a soft warm look in her eyes, must be thinking about something. My attention was brought back to my phone which was ringing. 

"Hey Shorty" i smiled wide already hearing a loud sigh come from my friend, my eyes wondering to out the window, couldn't see much just the other building in the way and a few people walking past. 

"Oi Shitty glasses, Did you actually get a girls number or are you wanting attention again" 

"Hey, i really did, she's even in front of me right now" my words came out as a hush whisper not really wanting Y.n to be aware of my semi Gay moment. Biologically i was a female, but i don't really like using pronouns, so i just go by whatever. 

I had noticed Y.n's eyes back on me a less dreamy look on their face, "Ah have to go byye" i spoke quickly hanging up, smiling over at Y.n.

She had a sip from her drink before speaking, "Not to pry or anything but who was that? was it something important?" she was a bit rushed and her eyes were a bit wide with a little worry.

I couldn't help but laugh at her worried expression, "Nah, it was just my friend he just wanted to know what i was up to" 


It was now a bit past 5 and the café was closing soon, i had found myself standing with my backpack on along with Y.n doing the same, "It was really good meeting you" I smiled over at her as we begun walking out of the café.

She had a small smile "Yeah, even though i didn't get much study done, i enjoyed it Hange, Maybe we can hangout again sometime" i couldn't tell if it was just the way the sun was hitting her face but i could have sworn i saw a pink tinge on her cheeks. 

"Definitely, I'll text you" I smiled waving my phone a little as she let a small giggle, it was so cute, i couldn't stop the small amount of warmth going to my face. 

as we made our way to the exit of the ally way she turned to me, "My apartment it this way" her thumb pointed behind her as she smiled softly, "See ya around Hange" she gave a little wave before walking along the path.

Sighing softly i turned on my toes. my hands in my pants pockets as i walked the opposite way, a large smile on my face as i head home to my apartment, ready to be questioned by a midget about my day and what girl i was talking about. Life felt right. 

------------1003 Words

Hope you enjoyed <3 any feedback good and bad is welcome <3 

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