{Ch 19 ~ Feelings }

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The sun was already setting, the bright orange and pink hues painted beautifully in the sky. 

Hange and i had been at the festival for 2 hours by now, we had been on many rides and played a few games. The space was so pretty and the atmosphere was refreshing after not doing much but work and sleep school being on a break. 

Relaxing on a grass spot on a little hill, Hange had handed me some of the street food we had ordered. I couldn't help but stare at Hange, they look so stunning, we had both decided to dress up a little, i choosing on a short grey flow dress with long white sleeves, Hange plaid pants and sweater. 

My heart felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest. It was like i was looking at a piece of artwork, the fading sunset behind them as they ate an ice-cream cone, i couldn't imagine anything more perfect.

"Y/n? You're zoning out" Hange's bright smile brought me out of my daydream. 

'I love you' my brain foggy, i smiled back at Hange acknowledging them.

They tilted their head to the side a soft confused look, "What did you just say?" 

Head completely clearing, eyes widening, "Did i just say that out loud" The heat crawling up my neck and attacking my cheeks. 

Hange gave a small giggle, "Can you repeat it for me?" a teasing smile on their gorgeous face. Vigorously shaking my head, "Come on, you said you loved me? i wanna hear it again" their smile now soft as they held my chin with their pointer and thumb. 

I felt like i was in a daze, my brain once again foggy as i looked in their eyes, "i- i don't know what you're talking about Hange" i muttered the heat of my face intensifying. 

Hange's face gradually got closer to mine, "Repeat it, pretty please?", i was on the edge of a heart attack this teasing side of Hange made my head spin. 

"It was an accident Hange, just kind of slipped out" I whisper looking to the side, trying any possible thing to break whatever spell they had on my mind. 

Out of the corner of my eye i could see Hange's soft smile, "I love you too, Y/n" their voice came out as a whisper. 

This warm feeling, i felt like my whole body was on fire my hands sweaty, turning to face Hange again i wasn't able to say a word, as soon as i faced them fully, i could feel their sweet lips on my and their hand on my waist. 

It felt as if timed slowed down, it was so soft and sweet, i couldn't help but put my arms around their neck. 

parting slowly, i looked into their soft brown eyes, a soft smile gracing their face, fireworks going off behind them like some cliché, like the feelings inside my body being played out in the sky. 

"Now will you tell me?" Hange smiled wide

"I love you Hange" it came out soft, the heat on my cheeks intensifying, looking back up at them. 

Hange's cheeks reddened, "Ah~ You're so cute~" They lunged towards me tackling me onto the grass into a large hug, a laugh escaping their mouth, "You have no idea how long i've waited!" They sat up pulling me with them still in a hug.

"Be my girlfriend!" Hange held my hands together with theirs, it was like they were looking at the most valuable thing.

A smile creeping onto my face, "Of course Hange" i wrapped my arms around them once again, "Forever sleep over" I smiled.

A gasp coming from Hange, "FOREVER SLEEPOVER!" 

i couldn't contain the large smile and giggle that came out of me, Hange is so cute, i couldn't imagine being with anyone else.

639 Words

Fated Love | Hange ZoeWhere stories live. Discover now