chapter 4

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      It is I here again, trying to write down a new chapter for my ongoing story. Thank you so much to the ones who have read my previous chapters, it means so much to me knowing that someone out there is connecting with me through my story. Thank you so much again.

   I also want to promote my favourite writer on wattpad @RainyGirl_11. If you haven't read TAP  yet , I highly recommend you do so. It is a story worth reading.

  I also want to thank my BFFs for believing in me and being the best friend in the whole world. Love you bitches.


    " Holy fuck !! Time to get up already????? I hate you alarm clock.... I have always hated you. Why do you have to be so cruel??? Let me sleep and dream!!! " I laugh out loud when I see Rein yelling at her phone. I am already awake and dressed up. It is our first day of college. We are taking our first classes today and I honestly didn't want to be late. That's why I slept in earlier the other night so I wouldn't have problems getting up in the morning. Rein on the other hand, decided to stay up late and watch a whole season of "The Vampire Diaries" . Seriously, Rein ??? Grow up. That' why she looks like she has been hit by a trunk. She yawns loudly and i can't help but laugh at her.

     " You know that it is not the phone's fault. I hate to say I told you so but.....Nah i don't hate telling ' I told you so'. I mean how old are you ? Fifteen? Watching a whole season in one night? Knowing that you have school to attend the following day? Ha...I told you to go to bed when i went to bed. And what did you do? You laughed at me and said...I quote " What am I ? A seventy years old grandma? I am not going to bed at 9:30 pm. Besides I am gonna wake up totally refreshed in the morning. You will see."  Well honey, I am seeing and i am not liking ! If by refreshed you meant looking like a total cave man look so refreshed. But hey..what do I know. I am just a seventy years old grandma." I say and I giggle.

    " Oh please. It was "The Vampire Diaries"  we were talking about. I just had to watch it." she said trying to defend herself.

    " Oh because you would die if you didn't? " I smirked at her.

    "  Oh come on ! You say this because you haven't seen one single episode of TVD. If you had ,you would stay up all night watching it with me. "  

    " umm...Not even if the human race depended on it. I happen to like sleeping.. A lot "  

   " Well you are missing the beaty of life... I better get up now... grandma " she said grimacing.

    " Yeah you do that. And hurry up, will you?"

To my surprise, Rein got dressed pretty quickly. How can she have a shower, get dressed perfectly fit, put her eyeliner and mascara on  for 15 minutes,, I will never know !  

    " See?? I told you we weren't going to be late. I am never wrong" she boasted herself.

    " I am sorry what ? You lost me after the first word. " I said playfully and rein rolled her eyes.

   ' Come on let's get moving" she said.

The school was so big that we had a hard time finding our class. To be honest with you, I wasn't  good at orienting, so you can imagine my happiness when rein said she knew exactly where we had to go. But...Turns out she didn't know exactly where to go. She only thought she did. Frustrated that we were going to be late, I kind of snapped at her.

    " Good thing someone said they knew the school in the palm of their hand. Wow, it sure doesn't look like it." 

   " OK.... I might' ve exaggerated a bit." Rein said in an I-am-sorry voice. " Hey we can always ask for directions. Let's jut ask that guy over there." and then she went near some guy who was just standing across the hall. All I could do was go after her.

 " Excuse me. Can you tell us where Mr. Smith's class is? It is our first day here and we are having a hard time moving around? " she asked him . 

I thought of him as a rude person. All the time rein was talking to him, he didn't even turn around to look her in the eye. I mean, who the hell does he think he is? I was kind of surprised how rein didn't just grab his arm and make him face her and answer her. But then I guess she doesn't want be the freak who just perturbs unknown people. Instead of doing what i was thinking to do, I raised my voice a bit higher and said: " are going to answer us or not? You could at least turn around and face us. It would be a lot better if we were talking to your face than to your back." 

And then I just wished I stayed quiet. The guy turned around , annoyance clearly spread all over his face. Oh his face... I haven't seen a more beautiful one. he had ice blue eyes, full lips , a strong jaw line. He had dark hair that made his eyes pop even more, as if that was neccessary. I caught myself staring at him. 'Well done Katy. Would like to drool as well? ' I mentally reprimanded myself.

   " I don't know where it is" he said with a stern look in his eyes and then left. Without saying anything else.

OK, so he is weird!!  Why are dropping-dead-gorgeous guys always weird? Ok that was a retorical question. They have to be weird ,to balance their beauty. I wonder what his name is. I guess he has a hot name too. "  Does he have psychological problems ? Dude, we don't bite." Rein's voice brought me to earth again. " Anyway let's go".

 'Yeah, of course" I agreed, still thinking of the guy. What the hell was wrong with him? Normal people don't just act like that with other normal people. OH....nevermind. Who cares? 'Well apparently do" my conscience admitts.

    Finally we got to class. The prefessor had already started teaching. Shit! We excused ourself for being late. He didn't say anything.  When we were sitting down, I caught sight of the guy we saw in the hall. I thought he didn't know where the class was. Ugh...what an ass! I am not dropping it. He will tell me why he lied to me..I mean to us.

   i hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you don't like anything you can just let me know in the comments down below.  #spreadlove



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