chapter 8

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  Hello again wattpad friends !!! Have you missed me ??? I know I have missed you even though I have never seen you in my life and I have never spoken to you. I wonder if that is even possible??? Anyway..... I leave you here chapter 8 of my first book. Hope you enjoy it :) I also wanted to ask you guys sth : Feel free to create a cover for my book and send it to me 'cuz I am really not that good at these kind of stuff. Your help would be very much appreciated ;) you already might've get used to the fact that I associate my chapters with a song that I listened while writing them or that probably has sth to do with this time I got inspired by the latest song of John Legend with Meghan Trainor. I absolutely adore it and I hope you do too. already know the drill : Vote and Comment ;)   #SpreadLove  #BeAuthentic

       "Hello dad ! How are you ? I miss hearing your voice "- I said to my dad. It's been a while since I last spoke to him. I am disappointed with myself for not calling him more often. I really do miss his reassuring bear huggs and his kisses on my forehead. I feel like crying right now.

       " Katty, honey ! I'm so glad you called. It's been quite a few days without hearing from you. Well...two days to be precise. But to us that's like two years. What have you been up to ? "

       " I am really sorry dad. I know I have no excuse but I've kinda been busy with school.... and i'm still trying to adapt to everything. It won't happen again, no matter what. I promise to call twice a day, every single day. When I said I'm a pain in the ass, I meant it! " - I joked.

       " Yeah...and I believed you the first time you said it. Umm.... honey there's no need to call me twice a day "-  my dad said and I could sense a smile hiding behind his words.

      " Oh, no old man ! You won't be getting rid of me any time soon. " - I smiled. I love my dad so much. He is the only on I got left. And honestly, the most important person in this whole world for me. I can't stop thinking on how lucky I am for having him and how grateful I am to god for picking him as my father.

      " Kattyyy...... You there ??! " - I heard my dad's voice. It startled me. I was in some deep thoughts.

      " Yeah dad. I kind of got lost on my own thoughts " - I explained.

      " What were you thinking honey ? " - he asked.

      " You. And how much I love you. I can't wait to come visit you. " - I said even though I knowit's far to early to even consider to go back home.

      " Oh, Katty ! I miss you too, but you are there on a mission. And you've promised that once you become a writer, you'll make me the main character of your first book. I'm still counting on it. " - he said.

      " And you know I always keep my promises. " 

     " Hey.. I almost forgot to ask. What did you do with that boy ? " -my dad asked.

    " What was I supposed to do? I followed your advece, approached him and apologised. I still don't fully understand what for, but you said so which means I really did something that my stubborn mind can't seem to comprehend. " 

    " And ? What happened next ? " - my dad eagerly asked.

    " He accepted my apology " , - I answered suspiciously, - " You know dad...most fathers would just advice their daughters to stay away from boys. "

    " I guess I'm not like most fathers. I'm modern you know... ? " - he boasted himself.

And then his tone of voice became a whisper, a sad whisper. I could tell that what he was about to say, would make me feel bad and that it was hard on him too . " I'm a father who has seen you go through a lot. Who has seen you build walls so high around your heart, in such a way  that love cannot find her way in. i'm a father who has seen you cry more than has seen you laugh the past four years and all I want for my little girl, for my little to be happy " - he finished. I heard a sob over the phone. I can't believe my dad is getting all mushy on me. I don't say anything about though.

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