chapter 10

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Hello to anyone who is out there and is dedicating a bit of his/her time to read this! It is been a while since I last updated my story and to be honest with you, I haven't exactly been in the writing mood. So if anyone of you has missed my story, I am sorry for taking so long to update. 

Anyway, here it goes chapter 10. I hope you enjoy it and nothing would make me happier than reading your comments, whether they are positive or negative. So please be sure to drop one if you read the chapter. # SpreadLove

     Nothing tastes better than vengeance! But before you guys get any ideas, I'm talking about Rein and not James. His time is yet to come. I still haven't figured it out what exactly I should do to get back to him for the 'friend' thing but I trust me. I'll find something spicy! Yeah, James ! You better fear me ! Ok, now that is enough about him. Like I said: vengeance is good! Remember that one time Rein almost gave me a heart attack and I promised her that our little prank game wasn't over? Well, here is a new thing about me : I never break my promises! Never I tell you !

      So I came up with an extraordinary idea.  I don't want to brag or anything but.... yeah I do want to brag. I am smart for thinking of that. So,my plan was to shut her up related to the James topic. Ever since I told her about our last  'pre-date' as she puts it, she's been bugging me about it.

Now it's time of giving her a taste of her own medicine. So let me break it down to you :

In our class , there's this guy that  now and then hits on Rein. Well, he hits on everyone to be honest but the thing is she doesn't like him at all and just the sight of him repulses her. And she has told me how much she hates him for being a womanizer that is only after one thing... One thing he won't be getting from Rein. Because let us be clear ! This wasn't one of those situations in which a girl says 'I don't like him' but she actually means ' I really like him'. It was a big fat NO ! As in HELL NO !

So what I did is,  I approached him, John is his name, and I asked for his help. It is actually pretty funny.

        " Hi! John, can I ask you favor ? You know how you are most of the time saying something inappropriate to Rein and you make her angry and you keep doing it anyway? Yeah...could you do that for...let's say...I don't know...every day ? To help me get back to her ? " - I immediately jumped to the point.

   He instantly agreed because he just couldn't miss the opportunity to have a good laugh and mess with her head. He agreed to hit on her every day for the last of the week just to see her reaction and to annoy the crap out of her, which was my intention all along. And of course I would cheer on his behalf, representing him like the It guy for her just because it gets on her nerves.

So my masterplan was on GO by monday :

          " Hello you fine ladies " - John threw us a flirty look. Well to Rein to be specific but I was with her so it kinda caught me too.

          " God ! Why are you torturing me in this early hour of the morning ? If I have done something wrong, I beg your forgiveness. " - Rein started praying out loud intentionally for John to hear. She even lifted her eyes up for an eye to eye communication with God, to add some extra dramma to her words. She really, really, REALLY dislikes him ! ' Serves you right Rein for not letting the James thing go when I asked you to '   I mentally high-fived myself for agreeing with myself. That doesn't even make sense !

          " Oh come on sugarpie! You know you want a piece of this ! " - John pointed at his well-toned body, I'll give him that. I mean, he can be a total dushbag at times, but he is a hot dushbag.

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