chapter 9

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 So I haven't been active lately.... yeah sorry about that. Anyway, I have been kinda busy with my college applications so don't judge me. Well this goes to the ones who actually read what I write xp

I have been thinking a lot about my story and I have a bunch of ideas on how to make my story better and different. The thing is that they just are too many and I can't quite decide what to put first or which one of them is the best option. Anyway, I know I will figure it out. You guys are more than welcomed to share with me your own opinions. Ow, and..if by any case you were wondering, I am going to take up electric engineering. Wish me luck !!! 

As always I leave you here my most recent song obsession.  Hope you guys love it!!!  And!!!  Here is a brand new chapter only for you!!! 


     I was really starting to get used to my new routine. Which was : getting up, having a little quarrel with my best friend Rein for no reason in particular, grabbing something to eat and then heading to class. Oh...and of course I left out getting dressed but I figured you could understand that much because it's not like a go around the school butt-naked.

     This morning, I don't know why but I was having a pretty good feeling which I can't quite describe. It just felt good and positive, which was weird to me, 'cause... Well, let's put it this way : I am not exactly the epitome of optimism.

     As usual, I was walking to class with Rein who kept on babbling about something she dreamt last night. I was trying my best to sound interested and intrigued but..let's face it : who could be interested or intrigued about raining donuts ?? Well not me, that's for sure. What I didn't understand was how did she pass from having dirty...REALLY dirty ( from what she tried to describe me but that of course I declined 'cause I don't want to be haunted by those images for the rest of my life ) dreams with Nick Bateman to raining donuts ?? I guess what I mean is : WHAT THE HELL ???And of course I had to clarify myself because being the curious type of person I was, I just had to know.

            " Rein, you really are something. I mean, how can you be such a baby and such a perv at the same time ? How did you go from Nick to donuts ? " I ask.

            " Well, they have so much in common. " - she shrugged.

           " I'm sorry, what ???? You're saying that Nick ( a sex god by the way ) has a lot in common with a donut ??? Like, you are seriously making a comparison between them ?? " - and I threw  her a look that said ' you are insane ' .

 I wonder what somebody else would of think if he heard us having this conversation. I have an idea of that : two childish girls that are uncapable of having a serious conversation about an important topic, but instead they discuss the immature dreams one of them had. So what ?? We don't want to grow up!! Lock us in jail !!

Anyway...back to the point. Where was I once again ?? Ah, yeah. Nick and the donut!

            " Well, of course. You are just to square-minded to see that. They are both delicious and as I once said : yummy. They are both my sinful pleasure, " - she said that wiggling her eyebrows, - "and I wouldn't mind eating them. " - she finished her argument, but then she just had to add, - " Well mostly Nick " - and she had this dreamy look on her eyes.

            " Agh, yikes ! Now I'm never gonna think of a donut like just a donut. Gross... I have to live with your sexual insinuations whenever I see one " -  I said scrunching my nose.

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