chapter 6

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hello friends I've never met !!! I am back on wattpad with yet another chapter of my first debute in here :p so have you been enjoying my chapters 'til now ? I really do hope so. I always say this but it would mean the world to me if you give it a read and vote or comment if you feel like doing so. I am really trying to put together a good story since it is my first one and I want to start things off with the right foot. If you guys have any ideas on how to make this even better, please let me know. I will considerate every single one of your opinions. #SpreadLove ( I am kind of trying to make this my trademark)

ooppss I almost forgot ! here I leave you my favourite song, wich I've been listening while writing this chapter. Hope you enjoy it as well.

" Hey Katty ! Katty, wait up ! " I heard Rein calling after me for me to stop.

" Didn't you hear me ? I've been running after you since you got out of the classroom. " she said raising an eyebrow.

" No, I was kind of lost in my own thoughts. You know that I tend to do that a lot. Did I make you run for too long ? " I asked trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Never mind ! A little exercise never killed anyone. " she said and winked at me.

" So, what's wrong ? You look like you are one second away from blowing steam out of your ears." she stopped for a second eyeing me suspiciously. " You ain't gonna blow it in my face, are you ? " Rein exclaimed and took two steps away from me, pretending to protect herself from me.

" Oh, would you knock it off Rein ? I am at a crappy mood. " I said, slightely annoyed and pulling her back. " Chill yourself out! I ain't gonna blow steam out of my ears nor in your face." I assured her.

" Sooo... What happened after I left ?" she asked again after we had started walking.

"More like ' who happened' " I said under my breath.

" What was that" I didn't quite catch what you said" she asked and leaned her ears close to my mouth. " Speak up please and leave no details out " she smiled while saying that.

" I said I got mad with a guy. You have already met him. It is the one we asked to show us the classroom and he didn't " I told her.

" Ohh, he was hot " She exclaimed, bitting her lower lip. " Where did you meet him? " she asked, a little too excited for my liking.

" He was at our clasroom. Remember? The one he didn't know where it was " That jerk. " I spatted through gritted teeth.

"And????" she signalised with her hands for me to continue.

" And, I walked up to him to make him apologise to us for his bahaviour. You know I don't do well with lies and he practically lied to our face" I stated.

" And what did he do ? " she said with expecting eyes.

" Nothing. He was ruder ? He said, And I quote ' I didn't feel like helping you and I don't really have to.' Asshole " I finished as I was trying to mimic his voice while I said his words. they felt like venom in my mouth.

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