--Mature-- Prison!Brothers and Innocent!Reader

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WARNING! This is a mature chapter, and meant for an 18+ audience. If you're younger than that, I respectfully ask that you find something else to read.

If you're older than 18, you may continue at your own discretion.

This story contains violence, drug use/abuse, nonconsensual sex scenes (male to male/male to female), incest, gore, and torture.

This is my darkest one-shot as of June 26, 2021. Please do not read if any of the previous warnings do not sit well with you.


My name is number 4587 -- I mean (y/n) (l/n). I'm writing this journal to tell the world what happened to myself and a few others while hidden away from the eyes of the regulated medical field, stored in an office building that was furbished for torture. I want to get the others help and I need help myself.

Please, read this and tell someone who can do something about this!

I could only stare in shock at the sight before my eyes, my hands clenched tightly as the nails dug into the sweaty flesh of my palms.

This wasn't happening...this couldn't be happening!


The simple command was barely uttered before I was shoved towards the small armored bus, the metal cuffs around my ankles jangling and prohibiting much movement as I staggered forward to rejoin the few people waiting to board the bus. The three others in front of me barely glanced back, the rearmost one standing firm when I accidentally bumped into his shoulder. Uttering a soft apology as I straightened out, he didn't respond to anything I had said as his focus snapped back forward when someone walked up in front of the line.

The three men forming the 'line' in front grew unsettled, a thought forming in my mind that they knew this person from their part of the prison. I had never seen him before now, as I was housed with the other women.

"You four have been chosen to participate in a new project that the government is wanting to roll out within the next year or so," The man started speaking, his harsh blue eyes settling on every prisoner in front of him, including myself, "Your life sentences may be shortened based on your performance there and the people that will be accompanying you are the best in their field."

I lowered my eyes, knowing full well that I wasn't supposed to be here in the first place.

I was judged with a life sentence without parole, accused of a string of murders that I never committed...but evidence had been falsified, presented to the court during my long trial and the jury unanimously agreed that I was the one who killed seven people in horrible ways.

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