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The second Jisung walked onto the school campus the next morning he felt someone grab his hand and place a kiss on his cheek causing him to cringe.

"Good morning Jisungie!" Mina said loudly, making sure to gain attention from people around them.

"Hi," Jisung mumbled in response.

"We're supposed to be dating," Mina said quietly "the least you could do is smile at me when I greet you stupid."


"Whatever. Some people still talked to me and asked me about our relationship yesterday so I guess your looks make up for the fact that you have no personality."

Jisung didn't respond and instead just quietly followed Mina to wherever she was dragging him to.

Mina made Jisung sit at a random table in the courtyard where many students usually sat in the morning. Jisung had never been there because he had always gone to class early but he tensed up when he felt Mina sit down on his lap.

"Mina d-don't you think t-that this is a b-bit much?"

"If you don't want me to tell the entire school about the cuts on your arm I recommend that you don't complain about it and make yourself look happy Jisungie." She said into his ear then left a quick kiss on the side of his face as she moved away with a smile and played with a piece of Jisung's hair.

"Okay," Jisung agreed and forced a smile. It's not like he could argue with her so it would be less stressful for him to just agree with everything she says to avoid getting threatened.

"We need to go over a few more things," Mina said as she continued playing with Jisung's hair as Jisung just stared at the ground and nodded.

"You can still be friends with Minho I guess but you have to sit with me at lunch and in the morning. I don't care what you do outside of school but if I need you for something you have to come, okay?"

"Y-yeah that's fine but w-what am I supposed to t-tell Minho? H-he's not going to b-belive that I just suddenly c-chose to start dating you out of n-nowhere."

"That's your issue, not mine. You have to figure that out by yourself but you better convince him somehow. It can't be that difficult, I doubt he actually cares that much about you."

"Y-yeah okay, I'll think o-of something."

"Well anyway, classes are about to start soon so you should walk me to my class," Mina said as she stood up from Jisung's lap and grabbed his hand again to lead him to her classroom where Jisung could hear people whispering about them.

"Mina!" Some girl approached them with a smile, "who's your friend? He's really cute!"

"My boyfriend actually," Mina explained with a big smile, "introduce yourself Jisungie."

"Hi I'm J-Jisung, nice t-to meet you."

"Oh...nice to meet you too. You two make a cute couple, how long have you been dating? Aren't you new Jisung? I think I've heard your names a few times before around school."

"Yeah, I t-transferred here a l-little over a month ago."

"We've only been dating for a few days. Jisungie is really shy so it took a while for him to finally ask me out." Mina added as the girl nodded and Jisung internally cringed.

Before she could say anything else the bell rang and Jisung let out a breath of relief that he didn't even know he had been holding in and let go of Mina's hand so he could walk to his own class but Mina quickly stopped him.

"Aren't you forgetting something Jisungie?" She asked and pointed at her cheek with a smile.

Jisung reluctantly placed a quick kiss on the side of her face before leaving to go to his own class, hearing all kinds of whispering as he walked away.

He was debating on skipping class but he knew that it would eventually most likely just lead to Minho being even more suspicious once he found out about Mina. His main goal was to not let Minho find out that anything was wrong so he quickly walked into his class and took his seat in front of Minho.

"Why are you late? You usually come here way before class starts."

"I was h-hanging out with Mina," Jisung explained.

Minho just sighed and nodded.

"Are you okay? It seems like something's bothering you." Jisung said, noticing how Minho's mood seemed off.

"I'm just annoyed because of my mom...and that you're hanging out with someone who was trying to force you to date her but I guess it's your choice if you want to hang out with her now. I guess people can change."

She didn't. Jisung thought to himself.

"How is your mom being annoying? She seems really nice." He asked, deciding not to comment on the second part.

"Oh- she was just bothering me about school stuff." Minho said, realizing that he probably shouldn't have said anything about it, "It's fine though, I'm sure she'll get over it soon."

"Oh okay," Jisung said then turned around to pay attention to the teacher.


"Don't forget to wait by your classroom so we can go outside durring lunch together," Minho said once class ended causing Jisung to frown as he remembered he had agreed to sit with Minho.

"I'm sorry I can't sit with you."


"I'm gonna go now, don't bother walking me to class or you'll be late. See you in art class." Jisung said and left before Minho could question him.

He truly had no idea how he was going to convince Minho that he suddenly started liking and dating Mina out of nowhere. Minho knew enough about him to know that he wouldn't do something like that. Bringing their kiss(es) into the thought process would make the entire thing more questionable but luckily if Minho did decide to bring that up Jisung could just remind Minho that they said they wouldn't talk about it.

The only problem with that being that he could hurt Minho.

He won't care.

It's not like it meant anything to him.

He was very wrong.

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