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you might regret asking for another update but here it is

Minho couldn't stop staring at the envelope once Jisung had left. He had a horrible feeling but he couldn't figure out why.

He didn't know what Jisung could possibly need to write to him that he couldn't tell him in real life.

There was no rush for Jisung to have to tell him anything.

Minho didn't even mind that he hadn't said 'I love you' back he didn't need or expect him to say it back yet.

He said it simply because he wanted Jisung to know that he was loved.

But it made no sense that Jisung wanted him to wait until tomorrow to open it.

He didn't notice anything strange the past few days immediately but the more he thought about it Jisung had been acting really sedimental.

Why would he be acting sedim- Minho cut his own thoughts off and grabbed the envelope. Please tell me this isn't what I think it is.

He looked at the time and saw that it was only 9:17 pm and he wasn't supposed to open it until 12.

He knew he made a promise to Jisung not to open it until Sunday so he decided to send a few texts so Jisung asking him to facetime while he did his project but started feeling anxious when he didn't get a reply within the first ten minutes that he had sent it.

"I'm sorry Jisung," Minho mumbled as he opened the letter. Minho read through it as quickly as possible.

Hi Minho, I hope you slept well. I'm writing this before we went on our date but I'm sure it was wonderful so thank you so much. I actually have a lot that I want to thank you for so hopefully this doesn't seem too cringe. I was really confused at first when you tried to befriend me, it wasn't that weird at first but unlike most people, you didn't seem to want to give up. I hated you for that. At the time it was terrifying because I didn't know what to think of it but now I'm really thankful that you were so persistent. Thank you for making me happy. I don't think I ever got to know what that felt like before I met you. Thank you for holding my hand and making me feel safe and for caring about me more than I cared about myself. Thank you for making me feel loved because I was starting to think I would never get to know what that was like. I'm so sorry that I never said it back to you in person but I love you so much. Not saying it to you in real life is for sure going to be my biggest regret. If I did say it I don't think I could go through with what I hopefully already did by now. Please don't blame yourself for anything that I did Minho. None of this is because of you, in fact, you're the thing that's going to make it so difficult. I wish I could spend the rest of my life holding your hand but you deserve so much better than me. You're going to find someone else who can make you so happy instead of you constantly being the one having to make them happy. Because you deserve all the happiness in the world. It feels weird not giving you some sort of explanation so here it goes...I'm sorry for lying to you but that day I lost my phone my mom actually took it away. She found out about the cuts and she got mad. I asked her if she would be happy if I killed myself and she said yes. I just want them to be proud of me. Please don't be mad at my parents because of this either, I want them to live the rest of their lives happily to make up for all the time they couldn't because of me. This has become way longer than I wanted it to be so I should end it here. I love you so much Minho. I always will no matter what.

- Han Jisung

Minho had tears streaming down his face as he threw the letter onto his bed and quickly put on his shoes.

Please tell me he hasn't done anything yet, Minho thought to himself and ran out of his house while trying to call the younger who wasn't picking up.

Luckily he now had Jisung's address from when he sent it to Changbin on the day they went on their date so he made his phone give directions as he ran as fast as he could to Jisung's house.

He saw a car leave the driveway as he was approaching which he assumed were Jisung's parents.

Maybe I'm not too late

Minho ran up to the door which had been left unlocked then ran up to Jisung's room.

"Jisung!" He yelled hoping to get a response but it was dead silent.

the note that was previously on Jisung's door was gone not that Minho knew there was one in the first place.

"I'm so stupid. Please be okay please be okay." Minho said but looked around Jisung's room to see that it was empty.

He didn't need to walk any closer to the bathroom door to be able to smell blood. The smell was overwhelmingly strong. Minho had to back up out of the younger's room as he quickly dialed 119 (Korea's emergency number).

please don't be dead.

Once someone answered he explained that his friend attempted to commit suicide then gave the address and they said they would be there and offered to stay on the phone with Minho but he ended up hanging up.

He was sobbing. He couldn't even do anything to help. If he went in there and Jisung was still somehow alive then he would end up killing him.

He felt so useless.

I should have opened that letter sooner.

I could have prevented this from happening.

But now Jisung might already be gone forever.

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