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-not proofread...i'm also really tired so there's probably a lot of mistakes 🥲-

"Min, are you sure what you're just upset about a nightmare?" Jisung asked, sitting up once the movie had ended. He was only halfway paying attention to the movie while it was playing, he was more focused on his boyfriend who kept spacing out and looked devastated.

"Hmm?" Minho said, snapping out of deep thought as he looked down at Jisung who looked worried then looked at the tv "oh, the movie is over. Do you wanna watch another one?" He asked, reaching for the remote which Jisung quickly took and turned the tv off.

"What's wrong?" Jisung asked. He couldn't exactly figure out what the look in Minho's eyes was when he looked at him but it was worrisome.

"Don't worry about it," Minho said for what felt like the millionth time that day.

As much as Jisung wanted to respect Minho's privacy, he couldn't help but feel a bit useless since Minho wouldn't talk to him about it. He wanted to help Minho the saw way that Minho always helped him but he didn't know how since he had no idea what was wrong with Minho. He was perfectly fine last night.

"You always help cheer me up, I wanna do the same."

"I'm not upset about anything baby."

"Minho," Jisung said with a frown.

Minho was really struggling to decide whether or not he should tell Jisung about what Jackson had posted. He knew it would be better for when they do go back to school tomorrow but at the same time, he didn't want to lose Jisung. He knew Jisung wasn't going to handle it well. He already struggled to handle whatever happened with Jackson. And Minho knew this had to be worse.

Minho was about to speak but got interrupted by his ringtone from his phone which was still on the floor from him throwing it earlier that morning.

"Hang on," Minho said, getting up and checking to see who was calling him.

"We skipped because we stayed up really late last night watching movies." Jisung heard Minho say into his phone before humming and saying "I love you" before hanging up. He placed his phone underneath his pillow again as he laid down to Jisung again.

"Is your mom mad at us for skipping?"

"Nope, she just wanted to make sure everything was okay."

Jisung nodded and reached under Minho's phone to grab his phone then moved it in front of Minho's face to unlock it. Minho quickly remembered and grabbed it so he could close out Instagram before handing his phone back to Jisung.

"What were you looking at on your phone earlier that made you so angry?" Jisung asked, assuming that was the reason why Minho had done that.

"Don't w-"

"Please don't tell me not to worry about it." Jisung cut him off.

"Jackson posted something on Instagram about you." Minho finally said, immedietly regretting it.

"As you said...he doesn't actually know anything about me. Whatever it is is probably a rumor that will go away in a few days. We didn't have to skip school because of it." Jisung explained, he was worried about what the post said but he currently didn't even want to know what it was.

He wanted Minho to cheer up. He felt even worse now knowing that he had been acting like that all day because of something involving him. A lie about him at that. As curious as he was, to avoid making Minho even more worried about it, he decided to ignore that there was a post at all.

Though that wouldn't be possible to do for much longer.

"You aren't gonna look at it?" Minho asked, noticing that Jisung was now on his music app instead of going on Instagram.

"No. Knowing myself it's probably best if I never know what kind of stupid rumor he came up with. So you shouldn't worry too much about it either." Jisung replied, playing one of Minho's playlists as he smiled at the older.

He definitely wouldn't be acting like this if Minho hadn't seemed so worried about it all day. He was truly trying to stay calm in hopes that he could get Minho back to normal.

Minho frowned at Jisung's response. He never wanted Jisung to know what Jackson posted but it was going to be impossible to avoid at school. People were going to be talking about it. And Jisung was right, it would be easily forgotten in a couple of weeks if it were just a rumor. If, being the most important word in that sentence.

Sadly, only half of it was made up. Although it was horribly explained and worded disgustingly, half of it was true. He wasn't even sure how Jackson had managed to find all of that out.

"Minho, don't worry that much about it. I promise I'll be fine. I can switch out of the class I have with him tomorrow and everything will be okay. Don't get so upset about it." Jisung said, breaking the silence between them and moving to kiss Minho, hoping to get him to genuinely smile for the first time that day as he himself pulled away with a small smile.

Minho did show a small smile but he also felt tears stream down his face when he did.

"Why are you crying?!" Jisung asked, worried, as he used his hoodie sleeves to wipe away Minho's tears. "I promise I'll be okay, no matter what it is. Please stop worrying about it so much."

"Stop making promises," Minho mumbled.


"I don't want you to feel guilty about not keeping them."

"I will keep them. You'll see tomorrow, I'll be fine. It's just some made-up rumors. I just have to remember that." Jisung said, making Minho feel even more guilty since he was the one who had told Jisung that it couldn't possibly end up being that bad.

Minho let out a sigh. He hoped Jisung could keep his promises but he had a feeling that it wouldn't work out like that. Jisung's mental state wasn't going to handle it very well once he finds out Jackson posted.

All hope that Jisung could keep those promises immedietly disappeared when the two stepped onto the school campus the next day. Jisung tightened his grip on Minho's hand, trying to ignore all of the whispers and stares. It seemed like every single person at the school had their eyes on him.

Minho quickly led him to the guidance office where they got Jisung's schedule changed then walked back into the hallway. They headed to their first-period class since they still had about twenty minutes and Minho didn't want Jisung to stay in the hallways with everyone for that long.

But of course, things couldn't go that smoothly for them.

"You're back!?" Jisung heard someone say as he felt a hand grip his shoulder making him and Minho stop walking and look up at Jackson who was smiling at them.

"Well, did you see my Instagram post?.... Jisungie."

Jisung immediately remembered something as soon as the nickname left Jackson's mouth.

The only person who had ever called him that was Mina.

And Mina had a picture of...

Jisung looked at the phone Jackson was now holding in front of his face and felt warm tears stream down his face and his breathing became unsteady.

...his cuts.

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