Episode 4: A milk run for the Dark Queen

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Garan, Dark Citadel_

Here Vanoss was. His body forced onto his knees as he was firmly held down by two gargoyles. The Canadian was peering up at the Dark Queen, Olga Discordia, with a look of nervousness upon his face. It was not that he was nervous because Olga seemed intimidating, well, maybe a little bit, but it was mainly due to the fact that her clothing choice made her look like some form of exotic stripper with a superiority complex. Quite frankly, Vanoss wondered if it would be a good idea to voice was he was currently thinking towards the dark elf in front of him. It probably wasn't. Thinking of nothing else at the moment, Vanoss came up with the best thing he could currently say to Olga.

"Uh..." Vanoss trailed off slightly as he opened his mouth. "Howdy doody?"

Olga gave an analytical raised brow towards the captive owl-headed man before she spoke with contempt in her tone.

"What business does a pig-man and a kikiyaon have in my territory?"

At this, Vanoss couldn't help but let out a short and small snort of confusion. "Okay. I get the pig man part, but the hell is a kiki...kikiyaon?"

"Isn't that what you are?" Olga inquired Vanoss. "Are you not an owl-man?"

"Oh... That's what you call an owl-man around here? Huh. It's a weird name." Vanoss commented as she glanced to the side. "It just, kikiyaon just sounds so funky to hear and say. I mean, kiki alone is funky to say in itself, but adding the yaon at the end just makes even more weirder than it already was. Just fucking, kikiyaon. Kikiyaon. Kikiya—."

"Are you done prattling on like an absolute loon?" Olga questioned Evan with an almost annoyed tone.

"Well, if by loon you mean idiot, and by idiots you mean dingus, then to be perfectly honest with you, I don't think I ever will." Vanoss replied to Olga with a straight face.

Olga leaned forward on her throne as she narrowed her eyes at owl-headed man with a contemplative look. "You seem to speak without an inch of fear or anger in your tone. Do you not know where it is you are, and who it is you are talking to?"

At this, Vanoss glanced to the ceiling with his own thinking look. "Hmm. Well I know wherever it is we're at, it smells like raw cheese just about everywhere. Except in here, actually. What do I smell? You got any candles in here? I think I smell lavender."

Olga raised her brow in confusion, with the two gargoyles even sharing a confused look with each other, before she responded. "It's hyacinth..."

"Ah. Got it. Hyacinth." Vanoss said with a nod of understanding before moving away from his tangent. "But uh, for your other question, I have no idea who you are, lady. I mean, it looks like you're an elf, you know given your very pointy ears, maybe a dark elf. You've also got a crown, and you do have a staff, so I don't know. You're a queen, or something? A witch queen?"

"Are you truly that ignorant as to whom you speak with?" Olga calmly asked Vanoss. "I am Olga Discordia. Queen of the dark elves. And you and your escaped friend were trespassing in my domain of Garan."

"I see." Vanoss said as he decided to look around the large throne room rowed with marble pillars, noticing that alongside some of monsters, which looked similar to the ones he and friends killed earlier, were a few other dark elves, mainly female. "Well, my name is Vanoss... and, uh, yeah. I don't really have a title, but my friends usually call me by my real name, Evan. So there's that."

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