Notification: Voting chapter.

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So hey there, everyone. You're all probably wondering why there's a voting chapter instead of an addition to the story.

Well, I'm not gonna beat around the bush about this topic.

We all know what's happened with Lui Calibre. He's turned out to be a terrible boyfriend to women he's dated, and just an overall shitty person in general.

I made this story back when it was only Mini who turned out to be a not-so-trustworthy individual—to put it lightly. I never foresaw all the stuff that would happen with Lui and Ohmwrecker.

So here's the whole point of the voting chapter. To decide whether to keep Lui or replace him.

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A.) Keep Lui—who will be written like his Magic Tomato fictional self, so he'll be based less realistic than the others and will be set at the age of 16.

B.) Replace Lui with Fourzer0seven.

C.) Replace Lui with BigJigglyPanda.

Do keep in mind that if you all decide to replace Lui, it will take time for me to rework the previous chapters that have, or have mention of Lui in it.

Also, if the majority of you choose to replace Lui with either option B or C, that doesn't mean the least voted for out of those two won't appear later on in the story. This is mainly just for the main cast of Team 6. I have all sorts of ideas to bring in other YouTubers in down the line. SilentDroid. Cartoonz. Kryoz. SMii7Y. Puffer. Yumi. Legiqn. Shmeg. It's not a guarantee that they'll all show up, but it is the general goal I'm aiming for down the line.

But anywho, I will let you guys get to it, and I will see you all next time.

Voting will end after the first week of January.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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Team 6 in Selenus: RATED R EDITION (Vanoss crew x Kuroinu)Where stories live. Discover now