Episode 2: New world, legends, and foes of old and new

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Eostia, 120 miles South of Garan:

Team 6 commune_

Back with our lovable group of idiots, Wildcat was seething, wanting to know why the Hell they were in some unknown land.

"EVAN?!" Wildcat yelled at the only other member of Team 6 that would pull something like this, if not, the one person who's usually responsible for causing shit to go haywire.

"HeHah!" Vanoss chuckled lightly as Wildcat's voice just went an octave higher.

"I know this was you-if it wasn't Brian it was a 100% you." Wildcat seethed in building anger

"Hehe. I did not do this, I swear." Evan said in a more relaxed tone, a smile on his face as he was the only member of Team 6 with a calm head in his shoulders.

"Bullshit!! I know it was you!" Wildcat pointed his finger accusingly at Vanoss's direction. "You got teleporting codes just like Brian, so don't Fuck with me-don't Fuck with me, Evan!" Wildcat continued in his anger.

"I'm telling you, it wasn't me, and it DEFINITELY wasn't Brian." Vanoss said in defense of himself and the Irish cyborg.

"Oh, Oh-ho. Really?" Wildact asked. "Oh, really now? Okay then." Wildcat said in an almost sarcastic tone as he looked at everyone else. "Then who did it, huh? Who did it?"

At this point, Wildcat pulled out his diamond sword and pointed it at everyone that wasn't him. "Which one of you idiots did it, huh? Who wants to die? Who wants to eat a dick and die.... HUH?!?!" Wildcat yelled out as everyone could swear they saw fire in Wildcat's eyes.

"No one did anything!" Terroriser screamed back at Wildcat before he sighed. "Fucking jackass." Terroriser muttered to himself as he looked towards the ground, shaking his head at Wildcat's rage moment.

"I mean seriously, how do you thi—?" Terroriser started as he looked back up at Wildcat, only for his eyes to widen for a millisecond before he was killed by a flaming diamond arrow to the head.

Who was the perpetrator of this murder?

I'll give you a few seconds to guesss.......

......Yeah it was Wildcat.

Everyone looked at Terroriser's corpse as it laid on the ground, eyes widened and blinking a few times before slowly turning their heads back to Wildcat, who had a scowl on his face that said 'I ain't takin' no bullshit'.

Soon enough, Terroriser's corpse started to blink out of existence, a beam of light coming down from the sky before it took the form of a humanoid shape, said shape being that of Terroriser as he his body reformed, now having fully respawned in the world of Selenus.

Terroriser simply looked at Wildcat for a few seconds before bringing his hands together, cracking his knuckles and his neck before pulling out his own flaming diamond bow, taking aim at Wildcat as he scowled at the pig man.

"I'll have you know, Tyler. This. Means. War." Brian said as he and Wildcat started to have a staring contest as both of them waited for the other to fire their arrow.

Bum bumbumbum bumbumbum bumbumbum.


Wah wah wah.


Wah wah WaH


Wah wah wah wah

Team 6 in Selenus: RATED R EDITION (Vanoss crew x Kuroinu)Where stories live. Discover now