BasicallyIdoWrk information

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Real name: Marcel Cunningham
Team name: BasicallyIDoWrk

Real name: Marcel CunninghamTeam name: BasicallyIDoWrk

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Species: the only black human in Eostia

• The Smart Guy

Information: If there's one man that wants to get the job done, it's Marcel, how do you think he got his name? He's a man set out for adventure, but pussy when it comes to horror and jump scares. Give him any weapon and he'll fight to the last man, because if there's one thing to expect from Marcel, it's for him to take things seriously; also known to show moments of insurmountable rage when his friends are messing around with him. If he has one major weakness, it's his pride, just ask about the bullet proof helmet incident. With this in mind, don't mess with his Chick-Fil-A, or any fried chicken for that matter, otherwise there'll be Hell to pay.

Quote: "One hundred percent bulletproof"—BasicallyIDoWrk

Love interest: Kaguya

Love interest: Kaguya

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Species: human

Position: Shield Princess Knight of Thorn/Shield Priestess of Thorn

Information: Kaguya is known to be the most calm and collected of the Seven Shields, being a priestess usually means one has to be. She doesn't speak as often, and is quite peaceful minded, however she's not protection. She's an expert in issuing talismans, so much so that she's second to Olga and Celestine I'm magical prowess. She can be calmly happy or calmly stern, one thing for sure is that she knows where to place her anger. The arrival of Team 6 was unprecedented, and quite frankly unpredictable. She's shares similar concerns with Claudia Levantine, seeing them as nothing more than unkillable hooligans with enough firepower to take out a whole continent. Though with that said, she's doesn't seem to mind the company of Marcel, finding his presence to be the least disturbing of the group since he at least knows there's a time for play, and a time to be serious.

(A/N: Last of the information chapter folks. I didn't pair Claudia with any of them because let's face it, with Team 6 around, Klaus won't die. Let's also face the fact that she just doesn't fit to be with anyone else from the Vanoss crew, they'd be too reckless for her to stand.

That in mind, I will post the official first chapter of this story on my Birthday, May 8, so get ready for next week folks.)

Team 6 in Selenus: RATED R EDITION (Vanoss crew x Kuroinu)Where stories live. Discover now