Episode 3: It's offical. We're in a world of medieval porn.

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Eostia, near the borders of Garan_

As of now, with their elytra wings upon their back and their firework rockets in hand, Vanoss and Wildcat flew unknowingly to the land of the Dark Queen.

They had been flying for around fifteen minutes, given the speed that they were going in, and already they were a little bit bored.

"See anything?" Wildcat called out to Vanoss.

"I spy with my little eye..." Vanoss trailed off as he lazily looked around at their surroundings. "Nothing but trees, grass, hills, and a few streams."

"So in other words, the same stinking shit we seen for the past fifteen minutes. Awesome." Wildcat dryly spoke with a lowered gaze. "You know, I'm starting to think we got the short end of the stick here on this exploration."

"Could be worse." Vanoss shrugged.

"Eh, yeah. Could be stuck with Nogla." Wildcat said.

"Not what I meant, but ok." Vanoss replied to the pig man as he continued to lazily look around as they flew.

Vanoss continued to look around until he looked straight ahead, squinting his eyes started to spot something dark and ominous up ahead.

Wildcat proceeded to then sniff the air, pausing as he raised his brow in confusion before sniffing the air once more.

With a confused look as he looked around, Wildcat spoke. "Ok, why does it smell like burnt rubber all of a sudden?"

"Hey, I see something up ahead." Vanoss said to Wildcat, grabbing his friend's attention.

Wildcat looked North, just like Vanoss did as they definitely spotted something. "Oh, yeah."

The two members of Team 6 looked as they neared another section of the new land they had teleported to, this area being large in the amount of acres that spread out across and further North. The sky was red above this area, the visage of dead, blackened trees littering the land as the dirt was grey and dry, sharp and tall mountains in the background.

"Hey, I think we're heading to that place in Lord of the Rings." Vanoss suggested.

"If Brian were here, he'd be making a bunch of Lord of the Rings jokes." Wildcat said. "Heheheh. "One does not simply walk into Mordor." He quoted with a chuckle in a slight European accent. "Next thing you know we're gonna run into the Dark Lord Sauron."

"Is that the white haired wizard?" Vanoss asked.

"No, Sauron's the flaming eye." Wildcat replied back.

"Wait, the faint eye is the Dark Lord?" Vanoss asked in confusion.

"Heheheh." Wildcat chuckled while shaking his head with a sigh. "Oh, you seriously need to pay more attention to these movies."

"I'm just not that drawn into them." Vanoss shrugged with an even look as the two got closer to Garan.

Passing the border to the dark and twisted lands, Vanoss and Wildcat scrunched their noses up, or in Vanoss's case, his beak, in disgust as a fowl smell filled the air.

"Aurgh! Who cut the viex-boulogne?" Vanoss asked as he waved his hand near his beak.

"Bleaugh! It smells like ass!" Wildcat complained. "We finally find something interesting on this trip, and it smells like a rectum."

"Well we might as well see what's in here." Vanoss said as he and Wildcat flew over the borders of Garan.

"It better be something cool, or secretive. Like a hidden treasure at the center of a maze." Wildcat said with an annoyed look as they continued to fly into Garan. "Otherwise, I'm gonna be pissed. Like, the stench is horrible."

Team 6 in Selenus: RATED R EDITION (Vanoss crew x Kuroinu)Where stories live. Discover now