7. Little Lamb

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A/N: Just a little note for existing readers. I changed Kane's name to Kain. Its been bugging me for a while. I've also gone and updated past chapters with the new spelling.


"Has the little lamb lost her way?" Kain said, his lips turning up into a smirk.

Riley let out a slight huff of annoyance. She had only been in contact with him twice and he was already starting to get on her nerves. "I can find my own way, thank you Kain," she said in the nicest tone she could muster.

Finishing picking up the papers off the ground, she got up, brushing her knees with her hands trying to get off the dirt that was now coating her dark blue jeans. Once she had piled the papers under her arm she side-stepped past Kain and continued on her way.

She didn't notice that Kain followed behind her until he tugged the papers from under her arm, pulling them away from her. She turned around to see him glancing over them with a raised eyebrow.

"You've got a job?" said Kain, surprised.

"Give them back Kain," said Riley, turning around and reaching up on her toes to try and grab the papers as Kain pulled them high out of her grasp. He didn't even have to do anything besides lift his hand in the air for them to be easily out of Riley's reach.

She decided instead to plant her feet back on the floor, not giving in to his ridiculous game of keep away or whatever it was he was playing at.

"How did you even get a job?" he asked curiously, glancing at the cuts on her arms.

She was only in a plain t-shirt today and while most people did tend to glance down at the cuts on her arms she didn't let her bother as much as it used to. After a glance, most people tended to ignore them and she respected that. It was her business after all and it shouldn't matter what she looked like.

But for some reason Kain's eyes lingered a bit longer than usual, and she felt the urge to run her hands up and down her arms to hide them from view. She resisted but it didn't sit right with her how he looked at her. How he looked at her cuts, with such anger and disgust.

Kain stepped forward slightly, closing the distance between them as he leaned down to whisper in her ear. "Perhaps you got the job because someone took pity on you? It clearly can't be anything else."

Riley snatched the papers from Kains hand and turned around, storming away from him. She was so frustrated and didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing her that way. When she eventually got to her classroom she slammed the door open so hard that it smashed against the wall. The loud noise echoed through the small room.

"Sorry," she mumbled to the professor, as she tried harder to calm herself down. Who even talks to people like that, she thought as she took a seat near the back next to the window.

Riled up at the thought of Kain she soon decided he wasn't worth her attention and forced him to the back of her mind while staring out the window waiting for class to start. But that didn't last long when Kain entered the same classroom, looking cool and collected, unlike her. He looked around for a brief moment, their eyes locking for less than a second before he looked at the empty seat beside her.

"Fantastic," said Riley sarcastically under her breath as Kain moved towards her, taking up a seat beside her.

To her surprise and slight relief he ignored her, turning to the guy next to him and started chatting away. She tried to block out the conversation but his smooth, deep voice was unavoidable to her ears and soon she found herself subtly listening in to their conversation.

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