20. Astray

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Jason was sitting in the passenger seat of the car, a massive grin plastered on his face as he kept his head turned to the window, away from Tyrus, who was driving casually with one hand on the wheel.

It had been a long time since he had that much fun and his first time at a monster truck rally. They saw the shows, ate questionable looking hot dogs and downed a couple of beers. There had been laughter between both of them and he found it easy to talk to Tyrus about anything. Their conversations drifted towards cars more often than not, which Jason didn't mind at all. They could talk about cars for hours on end between the two of them.

Taking a quick glance at the clock on the dashboard, he noted the time; 1:30 am. Riley and Noah would both be back home and asleep by now. He leaned against the car window, resting his head as Tyrus drove him home. It had been a long evening, but the best one he had experienced without his brother or sister in a long time.

The drive home was silent, not that Jason minded. It was peaceful, and his body felt relaxed, sleepy even. Maybe tonight he would actually get a proper sleep, he thought to himself as they drove into the gravel driveway of their house.

Once they reached the top of the hill on which his tiny house stood, Tyrus parked the car and turned off the engine. Opening the door, Jason stepped out, closing it as gently as possible to not wake his siblings inside.

Tyrus, ever the gentleman, stepped out with him, closing his door just as silently. They walked up the stairs onto the front porch as Jason grabbed the keys out of his pocket.

"I had fun tonight," said Jason, turning around to face Tyrus as he dangled his keys in his hands.

Tyrus came closer, forcing Jason to take a step back, connecting with the door behind him. "So did I," said Tyrus, as his hand brushed against the side of Jason's jaw and across his bottom lip.

Their proximity was causing Jason's heart to beat fast, and he gasped slightly when Tyrus moved his hand down Jason's muscular arm, across his lower back, landing on his hip.

"Can I see you again tomorrow?" asked Tyrus. "I can pick you up after work."

"I don't know about this," replied Jason, feeling the heat radiating off Tyrus's fingers as he slipped his hand under the back of his shirt and started trailing his palm across Jason's lower back.

"What are you unsure of?" said Tyrus as he leaned in closer, trapping Jason in with one hand remaining on his lower back and the other placed up against the door frame. "Are you unsure of this?" Tyrus dipped his head into the crook of Jason's neck and placed a tender kiss on the soft surface, causing butterflies to swirl around inside and a shiver to ripple down his neck.

"Or perhaps you're unsure of this," continued Tyrus as he moved his lips up Jason's neck and along his jawline, planting another kiss.

Tyrus moved his head back, only slightly, just enough for their foreheads to touch. "Just hang out with me tomorrow. A couple of hours is all I'm asking for," said Tyrus, brushing through a strand of Jason's hair.

He paused, his lips so close to Tyrus he could feel the warm breath on his skin. He licked his lips subconsciously, waiting for the inevitable moment, however Tyrus remained still, awaiting his answer.

"Fine," said Jason. "A couple of hours, no more."

Tyrus smiled, leaning in further and as their lips were about to touch, the door behind him opened, causing Jason to fall backwards. Before he could fall any sort of distance, Tyrus wrapped his arm around Jason's waist, pulling him forward into his chest.

"Um... sorry about that," said Noah, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "I hate to interrupt but Jason, we have a problem."

"I leave you to it," said Tyrus, leaning in closer to Jason's ear so it was only a whisper. "I'll see you tomorrow." And with that, he released Jason from his hold, gave a nod to Noah and disappeared back to his car.

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