Authors Note

2.4K 120 28

Word Count: 100,433
Chapters: 61
Start Date: 28th March 2021
End Date: 4th June 2023
Total Writing Time: 2 years and 3 months

Yay! Falling Up is finally finished. I can now press that elusive "Completed" button on this novel.

I can't believe how long that took considering Infliction only took 5 months. Falling Up was started just after I gave birth to my first child and has continued past the birth of my second child. 

What a wild ride it's been. I really hope you enjoyed it and thank you to everyone for all the support, comments, votes and reads. You've all been wonderful. 

In terms of what's next, well, I might take a bit of a break... or I might not. We'll see how I go. I do have another book in the works already called "Wolves and the White Bird". The first chapter has already been posted.

For this series I had planned to tell Riley's story for Infliction, Jason's story with Falling Up and if I ever get around to it (please don't hold your breath here) Noah's story for the third book. However in the meantime I have a few other ideas and stories I would like to work on.

Other than that please feel free to leave any comments or ask me any questions. I'll do my best to answer anything you want to know.

Thanks again everyone!!!

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